

  • Job Openings: Bionsight, Inc. is seeking for Machine Learning Engineers and Researchers. Find details here (in Korean).


2004. B.S. in Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, South Korea

2006. M.S. in Applied Mathematics, KAIST, South Korea

    • M.S. Thesis: Analysis and prediction of time series based on nonlinear regression models (Advisor: Prof. Rhee Man Kil, Ph.D.)

2013. Ph.D. in Statistics, KAIST, South Korea

    • Ph.D. Thesis: Bayesian Approach to Shrinkage Estimation for Large Scale Vector Autoregressive Models (Advisor: Prof. Sung-Ho Kim, Ph.D.)


2013.05.~2017.02.: Research Scientist, Cichocki Laboratory for Advanced Brain Signal Processing, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan

2017.03.~Current: Assistant Professor, Department of Information Statistics, Kangwon National University, South Korea

2019.10.~Current: Chief Research Scientist, Bionsight, South Korea


Fundamental Statistics: 2017s, 2018s, 2019f

Probability and Statistics: 2017sf, 2018f, 2019s, 2020s, 2020f, 2020w, 2021s

Statistical Programming: 2018f, 2019f, 2020f

Multivariate Statistical Analysis: 2017s, 2018s, 2019s, 2020s, 2021s

Topics in Statistics: 2017f, 2018f, 2019f

Big Data Statistical Analysis: 2020f

Sampling Theory: 2017s

Survey Methodology: 2017f

Time Series Analysis (Graduate course): 2017f, 2020s

Statistical Graphical Models (Graduate course): 2019s, 2020f

Advanced Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Graduate course): 2021s