verbs and question words

1.  Twelve basic action words (eat, drink, read, write...)

2.  Practice your understanding of 4 TENSE ENDINGS:

3.  Listening comprehension after intro of 12 verbs & 4 tenses:

Nine "grid" picture sentences, out of order, with revised details.

4.  Listening comprehension of basic question:  Who, what, when, where?

5.  Listening comprehension of 3 sentences, followed by 12 questions.

6.  Fourteen more action words (run, play, make, meet, laugh...)

7.  Learn a variety of QUESTION WORDS:

8.  Listening comprehension:  4-sentence paragraph, and 8 comprehension questions.

Use worksheet (front side)

9.  Listening comprehension:  4-sentence paragraph, and 8 comprehension questions.

Use worksheet (back side)

10.  PRACTICE with just 3 QUESTIONS:  "what, where, when" only:

Check your understanding.  Listen to short sentences, then a question after each.

Write the answer word, its particle, and then end with the verb (action word).

11.  J1b level only:  

     Listen to oral paragraph (4 sentences) and answer the 8 questions.

12.  J1b level only:  AGAIN, check your understanding of QUESTIONS, 5 basic types (who, what, when, where). Listen to a different oral paragraph (4 sentences) and answer the 8 questions.
