19 August 2012  This README file described the Lang-8 Corpus of Learner English.   INTRODUCTION ============  We scraped correction data of learner English from Lang-8 (, a SNS for language learning. The data was crawled in September 2011.  The scraping procedure is described in our IJCNLP 2011 paper (Mizumoto et al., 2011).  We tokenized learners text by Stanford Parser and extracted candidate verb phrase using algorithm described in "how_to_ext_vp.txt". We divided the data into training and testing as described in our ACL 2012 paper (Tajiri et al., 2012).   DATA FORMAT ===========  1. entries.(train|test)         We used "entries.train" and "entries.test" split, each of which         contains 100,000 and 1,000 entries, respectively.         Each line shows information of one sentence, and each entry is         separated by a blank line.          /* Description of each column */         Column            Description         -------------------------------------------------         1                 Number of correction         2                 Serial number         3                 the URL of the entry         4                 Sentence number. 0 is the title         5                 Sentence written by a learner of English         anything after 6  Corrected Sentences (If exists)  Example: 1       296282   21      I was watching TV while I drank some hot chocolate , yumyumyum !        I was watching TV while drinking some hot chocolate , yumyumyum !  -------------------------------------------  2. tense_asp.(train|test)         The files shows tense & aspect of each verb phrase, tagged by Stanford         Parser.          /* Description of each column */         Column          Description         1               Serial number (corresponding to that of entries.(train|test))         2               Start point of the verb phrase (word offset)         3               End point of the verb phrase (word offset)         4               Head word of the verb phrase         5               Tense & aspect before correction                         Tense (PST=past, PRS=present, FTR=future, INF=infinitive, -)                         Perfect (PFT=perfect, PTP=participle, -)                         Progressive (PRG=progressive, PTP=participle, -)         6               Tense & aspect after correction                         (Same as 5)  Example: 296282  2       3       watch   <PST_-_PRG>     <PST_-_PRG> 296282  7       7       drink   <PST_-_->       <-_-_PTP>  -------------------------------------------  3. how_to_ext_vp.txt         The file describes how to extract candidate verb phrases from a         sentence.   AUTHORS =======  Toshikazu Tajiri, Tomoya Mizumoto, Mamoru Komachi, Masaaki Nagata and Yuji Matsumoto  Any questions regarding the Lang-8 Corpus should be directed to and   REFERENCES ==========  If you are interested in the Lang-8 Corpus of English Learner, please cite this paper:  Toshikazu Tajiri, Mamoru Komachi, Yuji Matsumoto. Tense and Aspect Error Correction for ESL Learners Using Global Context. In Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Short Papers (oral), pp.192-202.  Jeju Island, Korea, July 2012.  If you are interested in making learner corpora from the web, please cite this paper (data available upon request):  Mizumoto Tomoya, Mamoru Komachi, Masaaki Nagata. Mining Revision Log of Language Learning SNS for Automated Japanese Error Correction of Second Language Learners.  In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pp.147-155. Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2011.   LICENSE =======  The corpus is distributed for research or educational purposes only, and is provided without any warranty.    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ===============  We gratefully thank Yangyang Xi and Lang-8 contributors for sharing their data.