
Summary student evaluations

School Course Date Overall rating of instruction

Northwestern International finance Summer 2001 5.0 (of 6)

Northwestern Intermediate macroeconomics Summer 2001 4.0

Northwestern Economic development Spring 2002 3.85

Northwestern Continuing Studies: I

Introduction to macroeconomics Fall 2001 4.40

Fall 2002 Fall 2003 3.90 Intermediate macroeconomics

Spring 2002 4.20 Spring 2003 5.67 Intermediate microeconomics

Fall 2002 4.00 7 Fall 2003 5.00

University of Chicago Microeconomics Winter `1990 No numerical ratings. see appendix for evaluations

Student comments International finance The project gives you the opportunity to learn the topic of you choice. Great class, great professor. Economic development The final project of this class really helped me understand the practical applications of some of the growth models that we studied over the quarter. I think this project is a good way for students to begin formulating ideas for independent study projects or possible thesis topics that they wish to continue researching. Finally, Professor Hammond is probably one of the most approachable professors that I’ve dealt with at this school. Yes, I was incredibly interested in the idea of sustainable growth, and one of my goals is to write the next growth model. I guess I learned more because I wanted to learn more, and others who didn’t want to chose not to come to class. Sure, the material was difficult, but you could learn it if you wanted to learn. The professor did a great job in my mind, and she was willing to listen to grievances. Microeconomics HW really helped prepare for the exams. The midterm and final were fair tests of the knowledge gained over the course. The problems range from difficult to easy on each assignment. Generated a decent curve when graded. Lectures were very organized and interesting. Held many office hours. Dedicated attitude. No digression - lectures were boring but packed with info! As a math major, this course allowed me to put my math skills to a practical purpose. All questions in class were well answered. The homework solutions had excellent detail. The lectures were organized. Has set up things she wants to do and follows them in order. She had a great attitude toward teaching and very accessible. Intermediate macro economics Overall wonderful Recommended course