By metro

Notice that you need some cash with you to buy the tickets: coins are not required and high denomination notes are all accepted. To purchase a ticket, insert cash in the automated ticket counter besides the subway entrance gate and press the button corresponding to your journey fare. Change is always available. Fares depend on the distance covered, but don't worry: if you chose the wrong fare, you can always adjust its price (in either way) at the arrival stop, either at the automated "fare adjustment machine" or at the counter. Here is the link to the official website of Nagoya Public Transport.

Here is a map of the main lines serving the city of Nagoya. The stop for the campus is Nagoya Daigaku on Meijo line (the purple one). The stop for the hotel "Rubra Ohzan" is Ikeshita on Higashiyama line (the yellow one).

To the hotel: once in Ikeshita metro station, head towards Exit number 2 and follow this map.

To the School of Informatics and Sciences: once in Nagoya Daigaku metro station, head towards Exit number 1 and follow this map.
