awards and honors

Best Demo, 13th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), Paris, France, 2019. Demo title: "Kubow: An Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation Service for Cloud Native Applications".

AWS Research Education Grant, Amazon Web Services (AWS), 2015

Best Paper, 33rd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC), Vitória – ES, Brazil, 2015. Paper title: "Inferência de Desempenho: Uma Nova Abordagem para o Planejamento de Capacidade de Aplicações na Nuvem" (in Portuguese).

Microsoft Azure Research Award, Microsoft Research, 2014.

Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF) Award, Microsoft Research, EUA, 2013. Project title: "Cloud Detours: Non-Intrusive Code Transformations to Support Automatic Software Adaptation to the Cloud".

Windows Azure Educator Grant, Microsoft Azure, 2013.

Best Technical Paper, 3rd Workshop on Modern Software Maintenance (WMSWM), part of the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS), Vitória – ES, Brazil, 2006. Paper title: "RedoX-UML: Redocumentação de Aplicações Legadas COBOL Usando XML e UML" (in Portuguese).

Runner-up for the Best Paper Award, 2nd Brazilian Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (WASP), part of the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), Uberlândia – MG, Brazil, 2005. Paper title: "Um Processo para Implementação de Aplicações Baseadas em Grades Computacionais Utilizando Aspectos" (in Portuguese).

Honorary Mention (M.Sc. Dissertations category – supervision), 18th Thesis and Dissertations Contest (CTD), part of the 25th Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society (CSBC), São Leopoldo – RS, Brazil, 2005. Dissertation title: "Implementação e Avaliação Empírica de Políticas de Invocação para Serviços Web Replicados" (in Portuguese).

2nd Place (M.Sc. Dissertations category), 7th Thesis and Dissertations Contest (CTD), part of the 13th Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society (CSBC), Caxambu – MG, Brazil, 1994. Dissertation title: "Protocolos para Controlar Dados Replicados em Sistemas de Computação Distribuídos" (in Portuguese).

Best Paper, 11th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC), Campinas – SP, Brazil, 1993. Paper title: "Protocolo Hierárquico em Anel: Um Esquema Eficiente para Leitura de Dados Replicados" (in Portuguese).