Fun facts about Elvis Presley

Here are some fun facts (and strange coincidences) about Elvis. This list will grow with time as I find more info. If any corrections are needed, contact me via Reddit (u/Stargate38):

Arm length: 2 ft. 2 in. (66.04 cm)

Leg length: 2 ft. 9 in. (83.82 cm)

Lifespan (in days, with prime factorization): 15,561=3^2*7*13*19 (note that this shares factors with 146097=3^3*7*773, the number of days in 400 years; GCD=63)

Lifespan (in years, rounded down to an integer): 42=2*3*7; also the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything (from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), and the number of the U.S. Highway that connects Cleveland (the city where the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is located) and Cincinnati (one of Elvis' concerts was there), and runs alongside I-71.

Army serial number: 53310761=7*67*197*577 (all factors end in 7)

Number on his bank card, 1976-77 (according to the book Elvis: The Legend):  4450100129553=3*13*114105131527

His SSN (found in the magazine "Elvis: The King Reborn", and easily found via Google Search): 409522002=2*3*68253667

Time of death: Sometime before 3:30 PM CDT on 08/16/1977

Time between his death and the issuing of the "Stay at Home" curfew in Ohio (03/25/2020): 15,562 days, Elvis' lifespan+1 day.

Elvis might have had some form of autism. If so, it would explain why he often wore multiple rings on one or both hands, even when not performing. He might've considered them his "security", which is a common behavioral trait that people with certain forms of autism have (they carry certain things with them, even as adults).

Strangely, his hair color (blonde when young, darker later), skin color (light), eye color (blue), and flexibility match mine to a considerable degree, and his height differed from mine by only an inch or two. Also, I weigh as much as he did when he was 30 (give or take a few  pounds), and that's how old I am, as of Autumn 2022. The only notable differences are in my diet, my health (including genetics), and the fact that I'm not on any prescriptions (I'm completely drug-free). Another similarity is the fact that we're both into somewhat less popular branches of mathematics (Elvis was into numerology, I'm into prime numbers whose Base-36 representation coincidentally speaks the truth).

A lot of major events, both related and unrelated to Elvis happened in years of the form 7*x+3, as well as some fictional stuff:

Jesus' birth (5 B.C. (also can be written as -4 A.D.), give or take a year; 7*(-1)+3); This definitely happened, but the year is uncertain (it could be anywhere from 6-4 B.C.)

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1865; 7*266+3)

Elvis' birth (1935; 7*276+3)

The assassination of JFK (1963; 7*280+3)

Elvis' physical death and entry into Heaven, and the release of Star Wars (1977; 7*282+3)

Orwell's dystopian novel (1984, published in 1949; 7*283+3, publication year 7*278+3)

Hurricane Katrina (2005; 7*286+3)

The Benghazi attacks, Superstorm Sandy (2012; 7*287+3)

Nibiru Cataclysm (2012; 7*287+3); This hoax spread across the Internet, and even I fell for it at one point. It has since been repeatedly disproven (the planet's orbit would be very unstable).

The year that COVID-19 was first reported to exist (2019; 7*288+3)

8675309-8161977+1081935=1595267 is prime, as are 8675309+8161977+1081935=17919221, 409522002+1081935-8161977+911=402442871, and 409522002+1081935-8161977-911=402441049.

Flip Elvis' name upsite-down, and you get 51^73, which can be interpreted as the 125-digit number 44938943196689020840284357337602360198818430193480149448764488442042906292892815958471803482540745850284972440771789843573651=3^73*17^73.

If you instead do "1337speak", his name becomes 37V15 or 37^15 (333446267951815307088493)

Coincidentally, the following prime numbers produce Elvis-related facts and figures when converted into Base-36:

195267761610277704124854555533183 (Elvis Presley is in Heaven): Correctly predicts his current location, spiritually speaking.

9110412685690703729887046366787718867 (Elvis Presley died 08/16/1977): Correctly predicts the day he went to Heaven.

41209801881811 (Elvis 1977): Correctly predicts the year he went to Heaven.

3229371730394609773359571 (Elvis Funeral 1977): Correctly predicts the year of his funeral.

7029639312571488408251473548274889 (Elvis Cincinnati Concert): Other Ohio concerts were in Dayton, Columbus, Toledo and Cleveland.

883269089 (Elvish): Smallest prime to contain Elvis, and also the name of a fictional language.

3060051433 (1 Elvis P): Smallest prime number whose Base-36 representation contains the word "Elvis", but doesn't start with his name. Surprisingly, it also contains his last initial.

239798372697479627501 (1 Elvis Presley 5): Smallest prime number whose Base-36 representation contains "Elvis Presley". Note that the first and last characters of the Base-36 representation (1 and 5) are the first and last digits of his birth year (1935)

1483552882934951 (Elvis Aaron): It's a very strange coincidence that his first and middle names produce a prime number. As an extra, here's some other people/characters (both real and fictional, not in any specific order) whose names are prime (with decimal values): God (21613), Donald Trump (50033214398870737), Joe Biden (1542027753311), Thomas Jefferson (181103869888131685065719), Glenn Ford (46815311003161), Gloria Estefan (78668698711062401519), Clark Kent (35522401290041), Lord Byron (61183627276199), Lord Tweedmouth (3699541796596981054469), Big Bird (25060408249), Edward Thatch (1893514189138200593), Jeremy Camp (1971282410724049), Sojourner Truth (4892601226126674099653), Gilligan (1294314630143), Aslan (18130127), Babe Ruth (884463570629), Rudolph (60610091237), Zod (46237), Connor Kent (1288279452396089), Catherine Grant (2098245235113917966009), Jon Kent (42849635897), Adam West (812582936813), Martha Kent (2264710150571321).