Welcome - Croteau Genealogy


It has been far too long since I was last able to devote some serious time to my family's time on North America. I have moved, started a new job, continued my education, married and now have a new daughter ... where did the time go?Over the past 10 years I have met so many relatives, friends and researchers and I look forward to re-forging those connections again. I apologize for my lack of communication and I ask with you all to bear with me please. As I ease myself back into the past, I'm sure I will confuse myself and many others.

My focus for this year is to begin digitizing my collection of photos and you can expect to see many of these special images here. I hope to also feature a page with mystery photos where we can all share pictures in the hopes that others can help us to identify our relatives.

Over the next little while you may notice changes gradually appearing and the format/content of my web site changing. Please bear with me as I shift gears and get back on the road to our history. I can be contacted at a new email address (please don't use that old Yahoo one) michael.fd.croteau@gmail.com - please be patient for replies though as I divide my time between children's swimming lessons, work, school, my family, astronomy and genealogy!

See the sidebar for navigation of specific relatives in my my site - I suggest you start with my Lineage Page to see if we're related.