What is Email Coaching and Hypnosis?

Email based coaching is a way in which we both, together, will have a look at your problems and issues, formulate a plan if it is required and get you going. Throughout the process I will use principles of Hypnosis to move you along.

Despite popular belief, hypnosis is nothing magical and neither is it a pseudoscience. Hypnotic principles go far beyond what we see on television and even far beyond what you might have experienced at an actual therapist's office. The basis of hypnosis is to change one's beliefs by accessing their subconscious and this could be done in many, many ways. Many times over the course of our lives, it is these very foundations of hypnosis that put limiting beliefs in our heads in the first place.

With email based coaching and hypnosis, I will combine principles I learned through my management background, history of therapy and hypnosis, together, to help you change your beliefs and get you on track.

Email based coaching and hypnosis:

-Would be brief, Solution oriented and to the point

-Will not dwell much into psychoanalysis and history

-Hypnosis and my guidance are NOT MAGICAL but will COMPLEMENT effort, abilities,and motivation

-Once again results would NOT BE MAGICAL The process will require us to work together, discover a solution or work on an existing one and support you thereafter.


What to Expect:

The program is currently being developed and would be different for everyone., however the program would include

-Introduction and getting to know one another

-Discussing the limiting beliefs that cause the problem and forming plans

-Email suggestions designed to help you get over your problems

-Follow up sessions to review impact of plans and suggestions and make changes if required

-Periodic Follow ups to note progress, makes changes if necessary