Guild Rules

These are the rules of MWAR Guild that members must respect:

    1. Enter PK maps and arenas at your own risk! You may be killed, and you may lose your belongings. There is a high possibility that they will not be returned to you.

    2. Do not provoke unnecessary violence or trouble of any sort.

    3. Do not attack mixers in Tahraji Desert.

    4. Do not randomly attack newbies in PK maps unless they obviously stepped in to the PK maps with the intention of fighting. Your are still free to attack fighters regardless of their attack or defense skills.

    5. Bagjumping, scamming, serpspawning and begging are not tolerated. Serpspawning includes attacking with weapons or ranging monsters people are training on.

    6. The following weapons are not allowed in PK maps or PK/PvP arenas unless against a BroD-tagged guild:

      • Branch of Destruction.

      • Golden Star Mace

      • Sunbreaker of Destruction.

    7. Keep in mind that in the spirit of the Mystical Warriors guild, we try our best not to have red-tagged guilds to begin with.

    8. Attacking and bagjumping trainers in PvP arenas is not allowed unless they are all in a red-tagged guild.

    9. Please participate in guild events and forum and, if you have a chance, help organize events.

    10. Everyone's opinion is equal and very important, so please express your thoughts in discussions.

    11. Be honest and truthful, i.e. return people's stuff back after killing them in PvP training sessions, announce if you find a DB and help newbies.

    12. Respect all Eternal lands official rules.

    13. Decent understanding of the English language.

Breaking of the rules will not be tolerated. People will be removed from the guild for not obeying the rules.