
We have a place for you!

There are many ways to help support the MVOA: executive positions, operations positions, and at-large positions on the MVOA Board or helping with concerts and events. Check the descriptions below, and email the MVOA (mvorchestraboosters@gmail.com) for details.

Who is the perfect MVOA volunteer?

  • Senior Parents: Remain active as leaders in the MVOA - your experience is valued!

  • Junior & Sophomore Parents: This is the critical time to serve on the MVOA Board - we need you!

  • Freshman Parents: Ask questions, volunteer, become a Board member. Meet other orchestra parents at MVOA meetings and learn how the MVOA contributes to the Mounds View orchestra experience!

  • Middle School Parents: The Chippewa Orchestra Program has just as many students as the Mounds View Orchestra Program - your participation in the MVOA is important - please join us!

Executive Board Roles

Every corporation must have these roles (except VP) filled to operate legally. The MVOA executive roles are:

President - Define the MVOA vision, handle most communication with orchestra directors, & run the Board meetings.

Vice-President - Act in place of President & assist other officers as needed. Read the bylaws to be able to advise on legal operation of the booster club.

Treasurer - Maintain financial records, files taxes, and handles MVOA spending.

Secretary - Organize meetings, put notices in school announcements, create meeting minutes.

"Defined" Operations Board Roles

These are the critical roles for smooth operation of the MVOA that are defined specifically in the MVOA Bylaws.

Communications Coordinator - Create and manage MVOA communications with the parent group. This may involve creative tasks such as creation of posters and newsletters as well as data oriented tasks like sending group emails with attachments.

Development Coordinator - In charge of MVOA fundraising efforts.

Volunteer Coordinator - Recruit and coordinate volunteers as needed using SignUp Genius or some other tool to facilitate creation of sign-up forms.

IT Coordinator / Webmaster - Maintain MVOA website, FaceBook page, YouTube Channel, Google Drive, and other electronic resources as necessary. Help other parents interact with these electronic resources as needed.

"Flexible" Operations Board Roles

The Bylaws of the MVOA include an additional 7 Board positions that are not formally defined. The purpose of these positions is be able to flexibly define the roles around tasks that the Board tends to do year after year. Currently, these flexible positions are defined as follows - this may change over time.

Purchasing Coordinator - Do product research, present options to the Board, and execute purchases & deliveries as needed (example: senior gift purchasing, orchestra logo items for students etc.).

Corporate Fundraising Coordinator - Work with the Development Coordinator to expand MVOA fundraising to community and/or corporate partners to bring outside funds to the orchestra program.

MVHS Concerto Concert Organizer - Work to set up a venue for the spring concerto concert. Identify & reserve a site in the fall, finalize the schedule, handle promotions, and set up a meal for the students between the rehearsal and concert in the spring.

At-Large Board Positions (4) - Contribute to the Board conversation and learn about the activities of the Board and help with projects as needed. At-large officers may contribute to some orchestra director led fundraising activities and may help define new activities for the MVOA such as new celebrations.