SALDRU working papers


David, A., Guilbert, N., Hino, H., Leibbrandt, M., Potgieter, E., & Shifa, M. (2018). Social cohesion and inequality in South Africa. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 219. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

David, A., Guilbert, N., Hamaguchi, N., Higashi, Y., Hino, H., Leibbrandt, M., Shifa, M. (2018). Spatial poverty and inequality in South Africa: A municipality level analysis. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 221. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.


 Shifa, M. & Leibbrandt, M. (2017). Profiling multidimensional poverty and inequality in Kenya and Zambia at sub-national levels (updated, version 2). Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 209. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Schotte, S., Zizzamia, R., Leibbrandt, M. (2017). Social stratification, life chances and vulnerability to poverty in South Africa. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 208. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Branson, N., and Leibbrandt, M. (2017). Assessing the usability of the Western Cape Graduate Destination Survey for the analysis of labour market outcomes. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 198. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Finn, A. & Leibbrandt, M. (2017). The dynamics of poverty in South Africa (updated, version 3). Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 174/NIDS Discussion Paper 2016/1. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Finn, A., Leibbrandt, M. (2017). The dynamics of poverty in South Africa. Version 2. Cape Town: SALDRU, UCT. (SALDRU Working Paper Number 174/NIDS Discussion Paper 2016/1).

Finn, A., Leibbrandt, M. & Ranchhod, V. (2017). Patterns of persistence: Intergenerational mobility and education in South Africa (updated, version 3). Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 175/NIDS Discussion Paper 2016/2. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Finn, A., Leibbrandt, M., Ranchhod, V. (2017). Patterns of persistence: Intergenerational mobility and education in South Africa. Version 2. Cape Town: SALDRU, UCT. (SALDRU Working Paper Number 175/NIDS Discussion Paper 2016/2).


Hundenborn, J., Leibbrandt, M., Woolard, I. (2016). Drivers of Inequality in South Africa. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 194. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Lilenstein, K., Woolard, I., Leibbrandt, M. (2016). In-Work Poverty in South Africa: The Impact of Income Sharing in the Presence of High Unemployment. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 193. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Forthcoming (2017) in Handbook of Research on In-Work Poverty, Marx, I. & Lohmann, H. (eds.).

Thornton, AJ., Leibbrandt, M., Ardington, C. (2016). Pathways to food security in South Africa: Food quality and quantity in NIDS Wave 1. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 190. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Frame, E., De Lannoy, A., Koka, P., Leibbrandt, M. (2016). Multidimensional Youth Poverty: Estimating the Youth MPI in South Africa at ward level. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 189. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Nanziri, E., Leibbrandt, M. (2016). Measuring and profiling financial literacy in South Africa. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 171. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.

Frame, E., De Lannoy, A., Leibbrandt, M. (2016). Measuring multidimensional poverty among youth in South Africa at the sub-national level. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Working Paper Number 169. Cape Town: SALDRU, University of Cape Town.


Multidimensional food insecurity measurement 

Ryan, Joanna; Leibbrandt, Murray (2015-11)

Duration of unemployment in youth transitions from schooling to work in Cape Town 

Mlatsheni, Cecil; Leibbrandt, Murray (2015-11)

Strategies of the unemployed in South Africa: Does moving allow the unemployed to get ahead? 

Ebrahim, Amina; Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (2015-10)

South African poverty lines: a review and two new money-metric thresholds 

Budlender, Joshua; Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (2015-08)

Does tenure insecurity explain the variations in land-related investment decisions in rural Ethiopia? 

Shifa, Muna; Leibbrandt, Murray; Wittenberg, Martin (2015-07)

Fertility and mother's labour market behaviour: Evidence from the 2011 South African Census 

Ardington, Cally; Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray; Menendez, Alicia (2015-07)

Measuring inequality by asset indices: A general approach with application to South Africa 

Wittenberg, Martin; Leibbrandt, Murray (2015-05)


Unemployment and Household formation 

Ebrahim, Amina; Woolard, Ingrid; Leibbrandt, Murray (2013-12)

Mobility and Inequality in the First Three Waves of NIDS 

Finn, Arden; Leibbrandt, Murray (2013-12)

The dynamics of poverty in the first three waves of NIDS 

Finn, Arden; Leibbrandt, Murray (2013-12)

Credit constraints and the racial gap in post-secondary education in South Africa 

Lam, David; Ardington, Cally; Branson, Nicola; Leibbrandt, Murray (2013-10)

The influence of social transfers on labour supply: A South African and international review 

Leibbrandt, Murray; Lilenstein, Kezia; Shenker, Callie; Woolard, Ingrid (2013-10)

Changes in education, employment and earnings in South Africa – A cohort analysis

Branson, N.; Ardington, C.; Lam, D.; Leibbrandt, M. (2013-08)

Moving out and moving in: Evidence of short-term household change in South Africa from the National Income Dynamics Study

Grieger, L.; Williamson, A.; Leibbrandt, M.; Levinsohn, J. (2013-08)

What happened to multidimensional poverty in South Africa between 1993 and 2010?

Finn, A.; Leibbrandt, M.; Woolard, I. (2013-07)

Distance as a barrier to health care access in South Africa

McLaren, Z.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2013-06)

Trends in teenage childbearing and schooling outcomes for children born to teens in South Africa

Branson, N.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2013-06)

New Evidence on Subjective Wellbeing and the Definition of Unemployment in South Africa

Lloyd, N.; Leibbrandt, M. (2013-05)


Income Mobility in South Africa: Evidence from the First Two Waves of the National Income Dynamics Study

Finn, A.; Leibbrandt, M.; Levinsohn, J. (2012-05)

Education and Inequality: The South African Case

Branson, N.; Garlick, J.; Lam, D.; Leibbrandt, M. (2012)

Labour Market: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 and 2 Datasets

Cichello, P.; Leibbrandt, M.; Woolard, I. (2012)


The Policies for Reducing Income Inequality and Poverty in South Africa

Leibbrandt, M.; Wegner, E.; Finn, A. (2011-09)

Estimating the effect of adolescent fertility on educational attainment in Cape Town using a propensity score weighted regression

Ranchhod, V.; Lam, D.; Leibbrandt, M.; Marteleto, L. (2011-03)

Health outcomes for children born to teen mothers in Cape Town, South Africa

Branson, N.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2011-03)

Educational Inheritance and the Distribution of Occupations: Evidence from South Africa

Keswell, M.; Girdwood, S.; Leibbrandt, M. (2011)


The Evolution and Impact of Unconditional Cash Transfers in South Africa

Woolard, I.; Leibbrandt, M. (Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, 2010-10)


Parental Loss and Schooling: Evidence from Metropolitan Cape Town

Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2009-11)

UPE and Social Inequality in Uganda: A Step Backward or a Step in the Right Direction?

Zuze, T.L.; Leibbrandt, M. (2009-09)

The impact of AIDS on intergenerational support in South Africa: Evidence from the Cape Area Panel Study

Ardington, C.; Case, A.; Islam, M.; Lam, D.; Leibbrandt, M.; Menendez, A.; Olgiati, A. (2009-02)


Education and Youth Unemployment in South Africa

Lam, D.; Leibbrandt, M.; Mlatsheni, C. (2008-09)


Sequential Regression Multiple Imputation for Incomplete Multivariate Data using Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Lacerda, M.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2007-12)

Schooling as a Lottery: Racial Differences in School Advancement in Urban South Africa

Lam, D.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2007-11)


Asset-based versus money metric poverty indices in South Africa: An assessment using the chronic poverty research centre RSA 2002 survey 

Crosoer, David; Leibbrandt, Murray; Woolard, Ingrid (CSSR and SALDRU, 2005-12)

Measuring recent changes in South African inequality and poverty using 1996 and 2001 census data 

Leibbrandt, Murray; Poswell, Laura; Naidoo, Pranushka; Welch, Matthew; Woolard, Ingrid (CSSR and SALDRU, 2005-08)

Labour force withdrawal of the elderly in South Africa 

Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray; Ranchhod, Vimal (CSSR and SALDRU, 2005-06)

The sensitivity of estimates of post- apartheid changes in South African poverty and inequality to key data imputations 

Ardington, Cally; Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray; Welch, Matthew (CSSR and SALDRU, 2005-02)


Income inequality after apartheid 

Seekings, Jeremy; Leibbrandt, Murray; Nattrass, Nicoli (CSSR and SALDRU, 2004-08)

Financial Services and the Informal Economy 

Ardington, Cally; Leibbrandt, Murray (CSSR and SALDRU, 2004-05)

Savings, Insurance and Debt over the Post-Apartheid Period: A Review of Recent Research 

Ardington, Cally; Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray; Levinsohn, James (CSSR and SALDRU, 2004-05)