Curriculum Vitae

Current Occupation

Frances Perkins Chair of Industrial and Labour Relations, Cornell University (Department of Economics and ILR), April 2020- present

Current Professional roles

Director of the Labor Dynamics Institute, Cornell University, 2020-present

Co-Editor, Journal of Human Resources

Chief Editor Health Section, Frontiers in Behavioral Economics 

Associate Editor, European Economic Review

Previous employment and Professional roles

Professor, European University Institute, 2016-2020

Professor, School of Economics, University of Edinburgh, 2012 – 2020

Research Fellow, Nuffield College, Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, University of Oxford (Oct. 2008 – August 2012)

Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Essex (Sept. 2004 – Sept. 2008)

Young Professional researcher, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Nov. 2002- August 2004)

President of the European Association of Labour Economists , June 2020-September 2023

President of the European Society of Population Economists, 2017-18



Ph.D. Economics, Tilburg University (CentER), The Netherlands, 2003.

Dissertation: “Labour Market Institutions in OECD countries: Origins and Consequences”; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ir. Jan C. van Ours

     Visiting student at Northwestern University, Fall 2001

     NAKE (The Netherlands Network of Economics) diploma, 2000.

     CentER Graduate school diploma, 2000.

Belgian Licence in Economics (Université Catholique de Louvain) – Summa Cum Laude


Main Publications (see Research page for ongoing projects) and R&R

Other publications 


2022: $200K: Russel Sage Foundation Grant, project "Informing Overconfident and Insecure Job Seekers", with Philipp Kircher and Bart de Koning

2015-2020: £6M, ESRC Large grant, "Credit and Labour Market Foundations of the Macroeconomy", Co-I

2014-2019: £1,536,180, EU  Consortium, 7th Framework Programme, The Neurobiology of Decision-Making in Eating – Innovative Tools, Co-PI

2014-2015: £26,278.00, Formas Common 20 (Sweden), Co-PI

2011-2012: £5400, Institute for Fraud Prevention (United States), “An Experimental Study on Cheating”, with Marina Schröder, PI

2011-2013: £37,000, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation; project “Changing Habits – A Field Experiment among School Children”, with Patrick Nolen and Jonathan James, PI

2010-2012: £9,650, John Fell Fund, Oxford University, project “Partnership Formation and Sorting”, with Marcel Fafchamps, co-PI

2010: £1,800, Oppenheimer Fund, Oxford University, project “Cognitive Racial Discrimination” (support for a visit to the University of Cape Town), PI

Professional activities

Associated editor, European Economic Review (2020-present)

Associate Editor, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2019-present)

President of the European Association of Labour Economists (2020-2022)

Council member of the European Association of Labour Economists (2016-2020)

Past President of the European Society of Population Economics (2018)

Past Chair, Food and Safety of Nutrition Section, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2018) 

Council member of the Economic Science Association (2014-2018)

Council member of the Royal Economic Society (2015-2020)

Other Affiliations

Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh, 2020-present

CEPR research fellow

IZA research fellow

Research Associate, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex.

Extra-mural Fellow, IRES, Catholic University of Louvain.