Curriculum Vitae
Current Occupation
Frances Perkins Chair of Industrial and Labour Relations, Cornell University (Department of Economics and ILR), April 2020- present
Current Professional roles
Director of the Labor Dynamics Institute, Cornell University, 2020-present
Co-Editor, Journal of Human Resources
Chief Editor Health Section, Frontiers in Behavioral Economics
Associate Editor, European Economic Review
Previous employment and Professional roles
Professor, European University Institute, 2016-2020
Professor, School of Economics, University of Edinburgh, 2012 – 2020
Research Fellow, Nuffield College, Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, University of Oxford (Oct. 2008 – August 2012)
Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Essex (Sept. 2004 – Sept. 2008)
Young Professional researcher, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Nov. 2002- August 2004)
President of the European Association of Labour Economists , June 2020-September 2023
President of the European Society of Population Economists, 2017-18
Ph.D. Economics, Tilburg University (CentER), The Netherlands, 2003.
Dissertation: “Labour Market Institutions in OECD countries: Origins and Consequences”; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ir. Jan C. van Ours
Visiting student at Northwestern University, Fall 2001
NAKE (The Netherlands Network of Economics) diploma, 2000.
CentER Graduate school diploma, 2000.
Belgian Licence in Economics (Université Catholique de Louvain) – Summa Cum Laude
Main Publications (see Research page for ongoing projects) and R&R
Do the Long-Term Unemployed Benefit from Automated Occupational Advice during Online Job Search?, with Philipp Kircher and Paul Muller, R&R at Economic Journal
Eliciting time preferences when income and consumption vary: Theory, validation & application to job search, with Philipp Kircher and Paul Muller, forthcoming American Economic Journal, Micro
The formation and Malleability of Dietary Habits; A Field Experiment with Low Income Families, with Noemi Berlin, Jonathan James and Valeria Skafida, forthcoming Journal of Political Economy, Micro.
"Maternal stress during pregnancy and children’s diet: Evidence from a population of low socioeconomic status" (2022), Nutrition, 93, 111423, with Jonathan James, Martina Vecchi and Nicolai Vitt (author order is Vitt, Vecchi, James and Belot)
"How wage announcements affect job search (2022)" with Paul Muller and Philipp Kircher, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 14(4), 1-67
"Daily stressors and food choices: A lab experiment with low-SES mothers" (2021), with Jonathan James, Martina Vecchi and Nicolai Vitt, European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 136(C).
"Rewarding behavior with a sweet food strengthens its valuation" (2021), with Jan Bauer, Marina Schroeder, Martina Vecchi, Tina Blake, Suzanne Dickson, Plos One, 16(4): e0242461.
"Socio-demographic factors associated with self-protecting behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic" (2021), with Nicholas W. Papageorge, Matthew V. Zahn, Eline Broek-Altenburg, Syngjoo Choi, Julian C. Jamison & Egon Tripodi, Journal of Population Economics 34(2), 691-738. Note: Papageorge and Zahn are first authors.
"Unequal consequences of Covid 19: representative evidence from six countries" (2021), with Nicholas W. Papageorge, Matthew V. Zahn, Eline Broek-Altenburg, Syngjoo Choi, Julian C. Jamison & Egon Tripodi, Rev Econ Household 19, 769–783 Note: Belot, Choi and Tripodi first authors.
"Facilitating Healthy Dietary Habits: An Experiment with a Low Income Population" (2020), with Jonathan James and Jonathan Spiteri, European Economic Review vol. 129(C).
"Providing Advice to job Seekers at Low Cost: An Experimental Study on Online Advice" (2019), with Philipp Kircher and Paul Muller, Review of Economic Studies 86(4), 1411–1447
Is Dishonesty Persistent ? (2019), with Jeroen van de Ven, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 83 (101464)
"A computer-based incentivized food basket choice tool presentation and evaluation" (2019), with Jonathan James and Jonathan Spiteri, PLoS ONE 14, 1
“Are People Equally Other‐Regarding When Selecting a Match Versus Choosing an Allocation?” (2018), with Marcel Fafchamps, Southern Economic Journal 84(4) 1088-1108
"How Private is Private Information? The Ability to Spot Deception in an Economic Game" (2017), with Jeroen van de Ven, Experimental Economics 20(1), 19-43.
"Partner Selection into Policy Relevant Field experiments” (2016), with Jonathan James, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (123), 31–56
"Incentives and Dietary Choices – A Field Experiment in Primary Schools" (2016), with Patrick Nolen and Jonathan James, Journal of Health Economics 50, 213-29
“The Spillover Effects of Monitoring: A Field Experiment” (2016), with Marina Schroeder, Management Science 62(1), 37-45.
"Who should be called to the lab? A comprehensive comparison of students and non-students in classic experimental games” (2015), with Raymond Duch and Luis Miller, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 113, 26-33
“Cognitive Racial Discrimination” (2015), Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics 8(3), 173-85
"A new perspective on the issue of selection bias into randomized controlled field experiments” (2014), with Jonathan James, Economics Letters, 124 (3), pp. 326-328.
"Players of Matching Pennies Automatically Imitate Opponents’ Gestures Against Strong Incentives' (2013), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110(8) (19 February 2013), 2763-2768”, with Vincent Crawford and Cecilia Heyes
“Sloppy work, Lies and Theft: A Novel Experimental Design to Study Counterproductive Behaviour” (2013), with Marina Schroeder, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 93, 233-38.
“Dating Preferences and Meeting Opportunities in Mate Choice Decisions” (2012), with Marco Francesconi, Journal of Human Resources, vol 48(2), 474-507.
“Can Observers Predict Trustworthiness” (2012), with V. Bhaskar and Jeroen van de Ven, Review of Economics and Statistics 94(1), 246-259
“Skill Selection and Immigration in OECD Countries” (2012), with Tim Hatton, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol 114(4), 1105-1128 (Prize of the Best Paper published in Scandinavian Journal of Economics in 2012)
“Beauty and the Sources of Discrimination”, with V. Bhaskar and Jeroen van de Ven (2012), Journal of Human Resources 47(3): 851–872
“Cultural and Institutional Barriers in Migration between OECD Countries” (2012), with Sjef Ederveen; Journal of Population Economics 25, 1077-1105.
“Healthy School Meals and Educational Achievements” (2011), with Jonathan James, Journal of Health Economics, 30 (3), 489-504
"Friendships and Favoritism at School: Evidence from the Field" (2011), with Jeroen van de Ven, Economic Journal 121 (557), 1228-1251.
"Promises and Cooperation: Evidence from a TV Game Show", with V.Bhaskar and Jeroen van de Ven (2010), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 73 (3), 396-405.
"Friendship Ties and Geographical Mobility: Evidence from Great Britain” (2009), with John Ermisch, Journal of the Royal Statistical Association, Series A, 172(2), 427-42.
“Why is Employment Protection Stricter in Europe than in the US?” (2007) Economica 74(295), 387-423.
“Welfare Effects of Employment Protection” (2007), with Jan Boone and Jan van Ours, Economica 74(295), 381-396.
“Does the Recent Success of Some OECD Countries in Lowering their Unemployment Rates Lie in the Clever Design of their Labour Market Reform” (2004), with Jan van Ours, Oxford Economic Papers 56, 621-642.
Other publications
“How low-cost labour market information benefits job seekers” (2016), VOX article, 10 March 2016, with Philipp Kircher and Paul Muller.
"Do Teacher Strikes Harm Student Achievement?”", with Dinand Webbink (2010), Labour, Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 24(4), 391-406.
“The Anthropometry of Love, Height and Gender Asymmetries in Intermarriage” (2010), with Jan Fidrmuc, Economics and Human Biology, 8(3): 361-372.
"Gender Differences in Close Friendship Networks over the Life Cycle" (2008), in "Changing Relationships", edited by Malcolm Brynin and John Ermish, Routledge.
"Evaluating the “Threat” Effects of Grade Repetition. Exploiting the 2001 Reform by the French-Speaking Community of Belgium" (2014), Education Economics 22(1), 73-89, with Vincent Vandenberghe
“Unemployment and Labour Market Institutions in an Empirical Analysis” (2001), with Jan Van Ours, Journal of Japanese and International Economies 15(4), 403-18.
“Prevention in the Curative Sector” (2006), CPB memorandum, The Hague, The Netherlands.
2022: $200K: Russel Sage Foundation Grant, project "Informing Overconfident and Insecure Job Seekers", with Philipp Kircher and Bart de Koning
2015-2020: £6M, ESRC Large grant, "Credit and Labour Market Foundations of the Macroeconomy", Co-I
2014-2019: £1,536,180, EU Consortium, 7th Framework Programme, The Neurobiology of Decision-Making in Eating – Innovative Tools, Co-PI
2014-2015: £26,278.00, Formas Common 20 (Sweden), Co-PI
2011-2012: £5400, Institute for Fraud Prevention (United States), “An Experimental Study on Cheating”, with Marina Schröder, PI
2011-2013: £37,000, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation; project “Changing Habits – A Field Experiment among School Children”, with Patrick Nolen and Jonathan James, PI
2010-2012: £9,650, John Fell Fund, Oxford University, project “Partnership Formation and Sorting”, with Marcel Fafchamps, co-PI
2010: £1,800, Oppenheimer Fund, Oxford University, project “Cognitive Racial Discrimination” (support for a visit to the University of Cape Town), PI
Professional activities
Associated editor, European Economic Review (2020-present)
Associate Editor, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2019-present)
President of the European Association of Labour Economists (2020-2022)
Council member of the European Association of Labour Economists (2016-2020)
Past President of the European Society of Population Economics (2018)
Past Chair, Food and Safety of Nutrition Section, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2018)
Council member of the Economic Science Association (2014-2018)
Council member of the Royal Economic Society (2015-2020)
Other Affiliations
Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh, 2020-present
CEPR research fellow
IZA research fellow
Research Associate, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex.
Extra-mural Fellow, IRES, Catholic University of Louvain.