Mountain View High School


October 22, 2018, marks the start of our Mountain View High School STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) Week, and we are pleased to feature leading technologists from Silicon Valley’s prestigious research institutions and innovative corporations.

STEM Speaker Day features scientists, mathematicians, artists, and technologists from local companies and universities sharing their personal and professional experiences with Mountain View High School students. Our goal is to inspire all students. We hope they will visualize attending college, pursuing science and math coursework towards a variety of exciting careers.

Speaker presentations take place in the Spartan Theater for about 300 students and last 30-35 minutes with an additional 5-10 minutes for Q&A. Speakers typically discuss their background and how they chose their work, sharing a project or topic of interest, including latest research and challenges of their profession. We encourage our speakers to include anything they think might connect with a high school audience, to make the presentation as interactive as possible, and to share their life history, including any challenges they may have overcome to find their current path.

STEM Committee

Mountain View High School

Monday, October 22:

Technology and Engineering Day & Hour of Code

Tuesday, October 23:

Science Day

Wednesday, October 25:

Art Day

Thursday, October 25:

Math Day

Friday, October 26:

STEAM Speaker Series Day

2017-18 STEM Logo designed by MVHS StudentSyd Biros2016-17 STEM Logo designed by MVHS StudentNicole Trappe2015-16 STEM Logo designed by MVHS StudentsCharleen Wang and Kristin Pampeyan