The Music of Latin America

  • Videos and Audio Sound Files of Music of Latin America

Chilean Nueva Canción: Victor Jara / Inti-Illimani

Welcome to Chile -

Bolivian K'antu

· Bolivia Art and History -

· Quechua Songs - Real Audio and MP3, plus texts in Quechua or Spanish with English translation

Andean Instruments

Native American Music from South America

  • Saraguro: Música - two groups from Ecuador. Includes RealPlayer Downloads and pictures of South American musical instruments (at the bottom of the page on Ruminahui).

  • Inka Dances - description of dances and songs, incl. video clips


Dating back to the Inca civilization, a language spoken by up to 8 million First Peoples in the Andes region of South America, including Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Columbia.

The Andean Ensemble Phenomenon: Going Abroad

Afro-Peruvian Music: A Lando

  • Afro-Pop Worldwide - Read this fascinating description about the history of afro-pop in Peru!

"During colonial times, the Spanish actually banned drums throughout Peru. Percussionist and documentarian Manongo Mujica explains that there is evidence in old drawings by French and British travelers, as well as some Spanish muralists that African drums and marimbas once existed in Peru. Fearing its use in communication on one hand, and its overpowering effect on its audience, transforming participants into trance-like states, something not very popular with the Catholic church, the authorities were paralyzed. They were no longer able to preach their Christian dogmas. They thought, "Maybe the music, the rhythm and the religion are connected. Maybe it is a signal from the devil."


A country that is known for music, but not included in the textbook, is Brazil. Sergio Mendez made the bossa nova popular in the U.S. with Brazil 66. Brazilian music could be a great topic for your ethnographic study. For more information, go to