Studies in Singapore and in France

For higher educations, I studied at National University of Singapore (NUS) in Singapore and also at Ecole polytechnique in France. I have completed a double-degree program between the two institutions between 2008 and 2013. The courses started with two undergraduate years at NUS, followed by two "Polytechnicien" years at Ecole polytechnique, and one year of master studies at NUS. I have fulfilled an equivalent to undergraduate and master program in NUS and to Ingénieur and master (Bac+5) program in France.

I was enrolled in the Faculty of Science of NUS and took major in physics. Following the suggestion of the head of the physics department, I joined the Special Programme in Science (SPS). [...]

With excellent results in the first semester, I was invited for the NUS-French double degree program. [...]

I was admitted to Ecole polytechnique in Desember 2009 following the entrance examination (le concours d'entrée). [...]

[to be continued...]
