- Borrower's tickets are not transferable.
- Duplicate borrower's ticket / membership ticket / No Due Certificate will be issued on the payment of Rs.10/-.
- Readers are required to deposit their bags / belongings at the property counter before entering the library.
- Using mobile phones inside the library is strictly prohibited.
- Necessary action will be taken by the librarian against the users who are found to be misusing the service facilities, book collection etc.
- No outside / personal books are allowed in the library for reading purposes.
- The Librarian may recall any book at any time if required.
- Silence should be maintained in the library.
- If a book is lost, the librarian has the power to decide whether the book has to be replaced or a fine is to be paid by the borrower. The fine will be charged up to six times the cost of the book's current value, in addition to handling charges.