Grupo minimalista

The Grupo Minimalista (‘Minimalist group’) was a first attempt to promote the study of generative theory at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. The idea was quite simple: every three weeks (or so) a group of undergraduate students would meet at the Instituto de Lingüística to discuss papers. We kept regular reunions during at least three years, from 2009 to 2011.

My memories of these meetings are quite special, as I believe they played a very important role in my training and in my way of understanding language. You can check some of the handouts we used.

  • Syntax meetings: 2009, 2010, 2011

  • Semantics meetings: 2011

  • Biolinguistics & Language evolution meetings: 2011

By the way, that website (this one) is my old blog. It is abandoned right now but there are some cool links.