
Cecilea Mun, PhD

Living at the intersections of experience...

I have approximately 20 years teaching experience at the undergraduate level of education, and I have taught at a diversity of institutions, including Purdue University, University of Louisville, St. Mary's College of Maryland, Clemson Univeristy, Arizona State University, and several community colleges. I am also the founding director of the Society for Philosophy of Emotion and the founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Philosophy of Emotion, and I was a visiting scholar at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Sheffield.

I have a wide range of interests, including philosophy of emotion, mind, metaphysics, philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of science, feminist philosophy, moral psychology, ethics, and political philosophy. These are all reflected in my overarching, life-long research aim to understand the relationship between emotion, cognition, language, and culture, and to contribute to establishing cooperative practices and public policies. In short, I am interested in understanding the internal logic of various emotions and how they function within a society. More specifically, I am interested in 1) identifying the logic of various emotions; 2) understanding how relationships between different kinds of members of a society mediate the ways in which these logics function, especially in strategic decision-making processes; and 3) understanding how and why societies instill and alter these logics through the implementation of emotion rules/norms. This overarching research aim is an extension of my interdisciplinary, empirical approach to the science of emotion, which is the topic of my monograph, Interdisciplinary Foundations for the Science of Emotion (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).

More specifically, I am currently pursuing research on the role of shame, recognition, and epistemic injustice in the #MeToo movement and South Korean demands for redress from Japan for the sexual slavery of Korean women before and during WWII. This research is a part of a larger, ongoing, research interest on the emotion of shame, which is reflected in my two edited collection Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Shame: Methods, Theories, Norms, Cultures, and Politics (Lexington Books, 2019; recommended by CHOICE), and Cultural Perspectives on Shame (Routledge, 2023).

Finally, I am passionate about concerns regarding diversity and inclusiveness in higher education, including identifying the detrimental effects of the business model on efforts in diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibilty. Some of my contributions toward achieving these ends can be found in my article, "The Many Harms of SETs in Higher Education" (Symposion, 2020), and my APA Blog Post Contribution, "Pushing Back Against the Business Model."

Peer-Reviewed Monograph
Peer-Reviewed Edited Collection
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Peer-Reviewed Chapter
Book Reviews
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Accessibility Related Publications