Curriculum Vitae CV 


Curriculum Vitae CV 

Prof. Munassir Alhamami

السيرة الذاتية الأستاذ الدكتور مُنصَّر الهمامي


Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Translation, King Khalid University, P. O. Box 9100, Abha, Saudi Arabia, Zip Code #61421

Mobile Phone: +966551646008



Present Academic Profile

Education Background

Academic Positions

Main Academic Administrative Roles


Conference Presentations

Certificates & Training

Scholarships and Academic Visits

1. Academic Visit to Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India (June 23 - July 23, 2024) - Conducted research on Arabic language education in India, funded by King Khalid University.

2. Full scholarship from King Khalid University to get PhD. in Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, United States of America. (May 1, 2012 to May 14, 2016) 

3.     Full scholarship from King Khalid University to get MA in TESOL at Trinity Western University, Langley, British Columbia, Canada. (May 11, 2009 to December 30, 2011)

Editorial Board Membership

Reviewed Manuscripts in more than 24 journals

1.     Asia-Pacific Education Researcher

2.     Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education

3.     Cambridge Journal of Education

4.     Cogent Arts & Humanities

5.     Computer Assisted Language Learning

6.     English for Academic Purposes

7.     English for Specific Purposes

8.     Foreign Language Annals

9.     Interactive Learning Environments

10.  International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

11.  International Multilingual Research Journal

12.  Journal of Intercultural Communication Research

13.  Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development

14.  Journal of Research in Science Teaching

15.  King Khalid University Journal for Humanities 

16.  King Saud University Journal of Research in Language and Translation

17.  Language and Education

18.  Linguistics & Education

19.  Plos One

20.  Qualitative Health Research

21.  Saudi Journal of Language Studies

22.  Scientific Reports - Nature

23.  Social Sciences & Humanities Open

24.  System An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics

For details, please, check the following two links:

Secured Research Grants

2. Assessment of Language Communication of Children with and without Language Disorders in Saudi Arabia. Funding Agency: King Salman Center for Disability Research (KSCDR). Grant Number: KSRG-2023-291

3. English as a Medium of Instruction in Higher Education: Systematic Reviews. Funding Agency: Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University. Grant Number: RA.KKU/48/44

4. Theory of Planned Behavior and Translator Training Programs. Funding Agency: Arab Observatory for Translation (Affiliated with ALECSO). Supported by: Literature, Publishing & Translation Commission, Saudi Arabia. Grant Number: 163/2023

5. Arabic & English as Foreign Languages: Learners’ Beliefs. Funding Agency: Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University. Grant Number: G.R.P-170–43

6. Language of Instructions in Computer and Engineering Colleges. Funding Agency: Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University. Grant Number: G.R.P-80-41

7. Language of Instructions in Medical and Science Colleges. Funding Agency: Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University. Grant Number: G.R.P-152-40

8. Multilingualism Phenomenon in Saudi Hospitals. Funding Agency: Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University. Grant Number: G.R.P-104-39

Awards and Appreciations 

Selected Examples of Academic and Community Services 

Thesis and Dissertation Committees

Current and Previous Professional Organization Memberships

1.     Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Association of Language Teachers (KSAALT)

2.     TESOL Arabia

3.     American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)

4.     International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA)

5.     TESOL International Association

6.     Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO)

7.     Teaching English as an Additional Language in British Columbia (BC TEAL)

8.     Hawaii TESOL

9.     Arab Society of English Language Studies

10.  Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL)

11.  Pacific Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (PacCALL)

12.  Saudi TESOL

13.  EMI Oxford Research Network Members

Languages Known 

Committees: At the University Level

Committees: At the College Level

Committees: At the Department Level

Courses Taught

At King Khalid University Undergraduate Programs

1.     ENG 011: English for Computer College Students

2.     ENG 013: English for Engineering College Students

3.     ENG 015: English for Education College Students

4.      ENG 113: English Grammar 

5.     ENG 311: Writing for Specific Purposes

6.     ENG 312: Technology and Language Learning

7.     1501ENG-5: English Language -1

At King Khalid University Graduate Programs

1.     DAL750: Thesis

2.     MAAL7531: Research Methods and Training

3.     MAAL 541: Graduation Project

4.     DAL-741: Applied Statistics in Language Research

5.     DAL-730: Current Issues in Language and Technology

6.     MET ENG: 501 :English Grammatical Structures

7.     ENG 532: Technology for Teaching and Learning English

8.     TEFL 7304: Language Assessment

9.     TEFL 541: Graduation Project

10.  MAAL542: Language Policy and Language Planning

At the Academic Institute in Najran

1.     English for the first year, intermediate education

2.     English for the second year, secondary education


1.     Arabic for beginners

Academic Interests

Online Professional Profile

Þ   ResearchGate: 

Þ   LinkedIn: 

Þ   Google Scholar: 

Þ   Academia:

Þ   Kudos:

Þ   Web of Science: 

Þ   Scopus:


Contact Information

Þ   Email:

Þ   Personal Website:

Þ   Twitter: @munassir2009

Þ   Cellphone: +966551646008