November 2014 update - Doug no longer offers consulting services due to his battle with cancer.
oug's coaching provides specific training plans and extensive advice, but is limited to a very small number of athletes.Alternatively, he engages in sporadic consults by phone, or in person, to help plan training schedules, help with racing strategies, or indeed help with any other aspect of multisport.For a 1.5 hr pre-season consult we'll explore your goals, and create a personalized periodization plan built into the training plan spreadsheet which you're welcome to use or copy. We'll generate high level plans for the time from now to the end of the season, and go into detail where appropriate. We can also discuss training and racing tips and strategies, or any other aspects of multisport where you believe I can add value. Price for 1.5 hrs is $115 + $65/hr thereafter. If working over the phone then it's useful to collaborate over a computer using free desktop sharing software such as Teamviewer or Skype (desktop sharing is built in).Please fill out the contact form. You may also choose to fill out this form. Please share your phone number and best time to talk. It helps if you have a desktop-sharing utility such as the free TeamViewer or (not as good) the one built into Skype.
Payment can be Cash, Check, Chase Quickpay, Univest, or Paypal. The latter 3 use Doug's personal hotmail address. If using Paypal some people prefer to use the "Send Money" option, and then NOT select Goods and services. That way a bank-bank transfer can occur, avoiding paypal fees at any end.
Please contact Doug for more information.