How to learn any language in six months?

Notes From Video:

How can normal adults learn a new Language quickly, easily, and effectively?

Anybody can learn second language in sex month. Wow, HOW?

5 principles

7 actions

The 2 things that really don’t matter

  • Talent
  • Immersion per se

When you don’t speak a language, you’re like a baby. And if you drop yourself into a context, which is all adults talking about stuff over your head, you won’t learn.

5 Principles of Rapid Language Acquisition

Meaning, Relevance, Attention, Memory

  1. Focus on language content that is relevant to you
  2. Use your new language as a tool to communicate …. From day I
  3. When you first understand the message you will unconsciously acquire the language
  4. Physiological training (When your face hurts you are doing it right)
  5. Psycho-physiological state matters

Very important you must learn to tolerate ambiguity

If you are one of those people who needs to understand 100 percent every word you are hearing you will go nuts. Because you will be incredibly upset all the time, because you are not perfect.

7 actions

  1. Listen a lot
  2. Focus on getting the meaning first (before the words)
  3. Start mixing (Language is a creative process)
    1. Focus on the core
    1. Ø Week I: The toll box
    2. · What is this?
    3. · How do you say?
    4. · Repeat that please
    5. · What does that mean
    6. · I don’t understand …
    1. All in the target language
    1. Ø Week 2-3: Pronouns, common verbs, adjectives
    2. · You
    3. · That
    4. · Give
    5. · Hot
    6. Ø Week 4: Glue Words
    1. · But
    2. · And
    3. · Even Though

5. Get a language Parent

You get yourself a language parent, who’s somebody interested in you as a person who will communicate with you essentially as an equal but pay attention to help you understand the message

There are four rules of a language parent.

Spouses are not very good at this, ok?

1. Works to understand what you are saying

2. Does not correct mistakes

3. Confirms understanding by using correct language

4. Uses words the learner knows

6. Copy the face

7. Direct connect to manual image