


Soliloquy this week

We are having Soliloquy on Tuesday, May 28th, in Room 125. It will be our last meeting of the year, but no submissions, just a party. Hope to see you there! Check out our instagram, @mthssoliloquy!


Writing: College shenanigans with ex editors!

Art: J and A frolicking at SU

Past years' mini-issues. You can check out the pdf versions here:

2020 Isolation Mini-Issue

2020 Fall Mini-Issue

2020 Winter Mini- Issue

2021 Love Mini-Issue   

You can find more on our About page!


Loneliness is a creeping thing

Like ivy on old stone walls

It does not grasp without warning

It embeds itself in the foundation

And it crumbles

So slowly you barely notice

Until the wall has fallen

And all that is left is life

I do not know what to call this feeling

Halfway point between joy and despair

Perhaps, for the first time

I feel the ivy

It has always been there,

Of course

Creeping up my spine

Leaves spreading across my shoulders

Roots digging into my skin

But there have been other feelings

Nursery rhymes have numbed it

Prose and poetry my anesthetic

But they have faded,


Are the words all now my own? 

I was warned for the ivy

I watched them plant its seeds

I encouraged the first of the vines

Helped them anchor to my ankles

But now I am more root than bone

I suppose I will be beautiful when I crumble

Akin to ancient castles

But I wonder

If I could stay a little thing 

A little longer

- Cairn

darlings, must I go so soon?

Basic Soliloquy Code of Conduct:

     Soliloquy is an anonymous poetry club, which can present problems in certain situations. Our highest priority is to ensure that creators do not feel restricted in what they submit, and in doing so, we must commit to anonymous submissions. We recognize the importance of the structure that we have, and want to prioritize keeping Soliloquy anonymous as well as continuing to promote free speech in all forms of poetry, short stories, art, and otherwise. That said, if at any time you feel as though you are being personally attacked, harassed, or otherwise by a submitted work, please contact an editor (or Mr. Earley) and explain the situation.  Harassing or attacking verbally another student or adult through a submission is not acceptable. 

This club is meant to be a safe, encouraging place to help creators develop their craft and grow as writers and artists. It is not a place to poetically attack other people, nor is it a place to feel poetically attacked. If you feel that a work is an attack on you, it is paramount that you let someone know. That said, in all situations, we must protect the anonymity and the freedom of speech of the writers of our club, but be sure that if a work does stay, we know full well who did it and will be watching closely for future infractions.

Our goal is to have a club that expands the knowledge of our creators and discussion that enhances the artistic ability of those surrounded by their work. Anyone who disregards that goal presents a threat to our club, and will be reprimanded. We hope that everyone can understand this, and can embrace our club as a chance to grow. Again, if at any point a problem arises, make sure you let an editor know. Thank you!