
Natsumushi - Image analysis software for entomological studies -

Copyright(c) 2013-2024 Masahiko Tanahashi

Ver. 1.12 / Ver. 2.0β (download links will appear at the bottom of this page)

Original publication (for version 1.x)

Tanahashi M., Fukatsu T. (2018) Natsumushi - An image measuring software for entomological studies. Entomological Science 21(3): 347-360      [PDF]

What are new features of Natsumushi 2.x ?

Related works using Natsumushi software

Koga R., Moriyama M., Onodera-Tanifuji N., Ishii Y., Takai H., et al. (2022) Single mutation makes Escherichia coli an insect mutualist. Nature Microbiology 7: 1141-1150.

Anbutsu H., Moriyama M., Nikoh N., Hosokawa T., Futahashi R., Tanahashi M., Meng X. Y., Kuriwada T., Mori N., Oshima K., Hattori M., Fujie M., Satoh N., Maeda T., Shigenobu S., Koga R., Fukatsu T. (2017) Small genome symbiont underlies cuticle hardness in beetles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(40): E8382-E8391.

Okude G., Futahashi R., Tanahashi M., Fukatsu T. (2017) Laboratory rearing system for Ischnura senegalensis (Insecta: Odonata) enables detailed description of larval development and morphogenesis in dragonfly. Zoological Science 34(5): 386-397.

Download Links

Natsumushi 1.12.2  (Final version of Natsumushi 1.x)

Natsumushi 2.0 beta (Full version, 2024-3-19) 

Natsumushi 2.0 beta (Minimum memory version, 2024-3-19) 

User Manual PDF (for version 2.x) 

User Manual HTMLs for Natsumushi 2.0 Macro  (*not completed) 

Old versions