Math Motivation

I asked your classmates what advice they would give to others when they were struggling with math. Here's what they said.

To just be patient and try to look for more ways besides the one your teacher shows you. And try to see math with some love each day.

- K.S.

I would tell them that no matter what, keep trying your best because eventually, you will start to understand concepts more than you used to. Also, take notes as they will help you understand.

- N.G.

Keep practicing and do not be shy to ask questions to the teacher.

- B.V.

Take your time with it learning a new math subject takes time to learn around 1-7 to be comfortable and many other days to keep learning about it, so be patient.


Just pay close attention to what the teacher is doing and do all your work and you will find it easy.

- A.SV