SLP Requirements

To complete your Service Learning Project you will engage in the Critical Praxis cycle.  "Praxis" refers to the process of putting research into action, and "Critical," is used in relation to Critical Theory, which is focused on reflecting and critiquing society while applying the social sciences.  Use this Critical Praxis cycle as you move through the phases of your Service Learning Project, as described below. 

How to use the Critical Praxis Cycle?  You must first identify a problem in the community that relates to the current year's theme.  You will then research this problem and understand what the experts have to say about this problem.  Developing a plan of action, implementing it, and evaluating the plan will be the next steps.  However, you may find that moving from step 1 to step 2 will take careful discussions and reflections with your team.  If you are having difficulty finding valuable research or identifying mapping ideas for the problem you have identified you may need to go back to step one.  Caution!  This process may seem frustrating at times, but you can always trust that going through the cycle multiple times will only make your project stronger and more effective.  Refer to this page to be informed about how to move towards completing your Service Learning Project.

The following is a road map towards completing your Service Learning Project.