Openbravo ERP

Openbravo is a fully functional, integrated, web-based, open source enterprise management system (ERP) that offers a unique value proposition - a higher value at a lower cost.The system is for small and midsize enterprises that are looking for an integrated system to manage their business. One that is capable of managing daily operations, optimizing business processes, improving customer satisfaction and, ultimately, increasing profits.

Development Environment

Openbravo is a web-based application built on the MVC model. Most of the code is automatically generated based on the Data Model Dictionary by an engine that we call Wizard for Application Development (WAD). The engine executes and recompiles the application every time the system administrator changes the configuration to accommodate a user's request.

This execution create files for the different components of the MVC model as the figure above shows:

* Model: xsql files with executable SQL statements.

* View: HTML & XML files define the layout of the forms and define the relation with the data.

* Control: java servlets define the actions to be executed, manage the model and generate the view.

Execution Environment

To run the code, the application must be installed in a server running MVC Foundation Framework (which provides support for the MVC architecture) and a group of third-party applications which we call the Operating Environment. Users require nothing more than a standard web browser.

Both WAD and the MVC-FF are largely Openbravo's own development. The Data Model Dictionary is an extension of Compiere's, with original modules (such as production), and adjustments necessary to adapt it to European and Spanish accounting standards and payment processes.

Environment: Java, JSP, Oracle, PostgreSql, XML, Ant, Apache, Tomcat, JasperReports, iReport, Velocity, Linux, Windows