Unit 4: Land and Water Use

1/26: Here are the Kahoots that we used to practice in class. You have until lunch on Monday to use these to practice. If you missed class, or would just like to take these at a slower pace, here they are.

Here's one from earlier on biogeochemical cycles. Good review for the nitrogen cycle.

1/26: Please review everything for our test on Monday. Recall that 10% is from past information. Do you remember how old Earth is? How about the layers of the atmosphere?

1/18: Here are our Kahoots review decks: Deck 4 Deck 2Deck 3Deck 1Here's the quizlet deck.  

1/26: Here's a short video on the nitrogen cycle that I found that I thought was well done. Watch if you need refresher on nitrification.

1/24: We've covered all of the material for this unit (once you complete the nearpod on GMOs) so we are ready for our unit test. We'll review on Friday - make sure you complete that AP College Board readiness check by Thursday midnight - and plan on taking the test on Monday.

1/24: Please try to complete the AP College Board quiz on Land Use before Thursday midnight. We will go over those parts that people missed in class for our review on Friday. Here's the link: Assignment: Land Use Self-Check

1/24:  Nearpod on GMOs and Review: Learn more about GMOs, the facts and fallacies. Plus a review of agriculture practices, aquaculture and mining. We have our unit test next week. This will help you get ready for it.

1/24: If you missed today's lecture - here it is.


1/22: Today's quizzel on Land Use - agriculture and biochemical cycles. Please wait for my okay to start.

1/22: Here is all of the Bozeman videos for APES: His Unit 5 Land and Water Use is our current unit, unit 4.

1/22: Please fill out this chart so that you have an understanding of how common areas are managed. I will be looking for this page in your science notebook for our next notebook check. You are welcome to work together but everyone needs to have a separate copy in their science notebook

Public Lands Chart.pdf

1/17: Some terms to know - CAFO. There are pros and cons to CAFOs. Learn both.

1/19: Agriculture and Sustainable Farming notes and lecture.


1/17: Silent Spring was a gamechanger. Read about the impact and turn in Monday, 1/22.


1/12: Here's this week's quizzel on the Bozeman videos.

1/10: Here's the link to the Dead Zone!   How does a wet spring lead to an increase in the dead zone?

1/9: More on phosphorus. Please read the article, taking notes, and answering the questions using this Google form.  This is your DLD assignment, which means please complete it sometime today.

1/8: Time to look at how the land plays into environmental science. We use the land heavily to live and grow our crops. Can we also live sustainably?


1/4: Mr. Anderson created a number of excellent, informative videos on land use for AP Environmental Science. I've handed out the concept maps in class that go along with the videos. Try to finish them by Friday. Here are the videos to watch to fill out the concept maps:

Land Use / Urban Sprawl

Mining - the types and how minerals are extracted

Sustainable Economics

1/2 & 1/3: Time to learn the biochemical cycles. Here are nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. I print these out landscape, double sided, flip pages on short edge. Due Friday.

Also read module 7 in our textbook - The movement of matter. They discuss these cycles with details you will need to know. The nitrogen cycle is the one that has had the greatest change due to humans. We'll discuss this in class. Be prepared. 


Chapters for this unit include: