Extra Credit

Howdy team!! Listed below are videos and study guides you can access if you are interested in completing extra credit for Ms. C's geography class. Remember, you can only do one extra credit per quarter.

Have fun and enjoy the videos!!

Videos can be watched in the media center during your Goals Lab. If you do not have a Goals Lab talk to Ms. C and she will help you out!!

Video Summaries

Paper Clips Film about how a group of students in Tennessee decided to learn about the Holocaust by collecting paper clips from around the world.

Pennies A Day Story about how women earning less than a dollar day find a way to get a microloan and lift their families out of poverty.

Around the World in 80 Days Travel to Japan and China via this video. Amazing sites!!

Emmanuel's Gift Emmanuel's Gift is about a disabled orphan from Ghana, Africa. He decides to ride his bike across Ghana with one leg!!

Nausicaa: Of the Valley of the Wind Do you love Manga...if so, this movie is for you.

Africa the Serengeti: Witness the beauty and amazing animals of the Serengeti.

Children of Genocide; 5 Who Survived: Hear testimonials of 5 survivors of genocide.

God Grew Tired of Us: Story of boys from Sudan, Africa that walked 1,000 miles to escape war. They are known as the Lost Boys of Sudan.