
Use the links above to find what you need. Everything you could need to succeed should be there.

Questions? Email me at lbruzek@trentoncatholic.org or stop by room 203 from 7:30 a.m. - about 2:30 p.m.

Class Rules

  1. Uniforms on at all times - look good!

  2. Cell phones are away - and silent.

  3. Laptops are for school work - not games or movies.

  4. Be on time and ready to go!

TCA's Grading Scale

A: 91-100

B: 82-90

C: 75-81

D: 70-74

F: Below a 70

Ms B's Grading System

Tests/Projects: 30%

Quizzes: 15%

Participation: 15%

In-Class Assignments: 7.5%

Homework: 7.5%

Quarter Exam: 25%

Online Class Rules

  1. Look presentable: uniform on, quiet area, good background

  2. Make sure you're on mute

  3. If you have a question, either put it in the chat or ask to take yourself off of mute.

  4. Remember: what you say in the chat stays forever. Don't say anything inappropriate!

  5. Your camera should be on. (If it needs to go off for a minute, let me know. Then, come right back on!)

  6. Participation still counts. Don't fall asleep on me!

Done with work? Do these:

Listen to one of the podcasts I have listed under "Classes" --> "Useful Links". Write 3 facts you've learned - and score some extra points!

Review your notes.

Make sure ALL your work is done.

Find a topic that interests you from our current unit and research more on it.