MEET Class begins every morning at 9:00, use the classroom.google/math link
Mon through Friday 9-12 (we will finish early on some days)
Daily Schedule: To-Do check off list
- Math rap, lesson, video, questions Independent study: IXL, KHAN, commonCore
- Writing/reading comprehension
- Science begin hyperdoc intro.
- History
google classroom codes: Writing orukeeu
Science 22o2rpd
Math aukkubd
Grade your Teacher
STUDENT classroom
classroom.google ...get to know this site, we are 90% online in class. This is where you will find the majority of all our assignments.
REMIND....Parents please sign up, easy, free, & private.
In my class you will need: compass and protractor, thin dry erase markers, glue sticks, coloring pencils, scissors, an eraser and pair of scissors.
Khan Academy
join class 2019-2020 by entering "join class" and code U577WQ
add dborseth as your coach
Review :)
School Calendar
“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.”
Sixth Graders- try to do a little math and little reading EACH day... you will be so glad you did.
Word of week:
Benefits of a JOURNAL: You will discover yourself :)
Its therapeutic & improves your writing