Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association

 District 2

Welcome to the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association (MSBOA), District 2 website! The main purpose of this site is to be an informational hub for the current instrumental directors of District 2. If you are a Parent/ Guardian or Student of any of our districts, feel free to peruse but forward any questions or concerns to your home director!

MSBOA District 2 Executive Board:

President: Jessica Tippett Medals Chair: Taylor Huitema

VP of Band and Orchestra Festival: Lance Dubay HS Honors Band Chair: Nick Anderson

VP of Solo and Ensemble Festival: Jack Fults MS Honors Band Chair: Pete Deneen

VP of Adjudication: Brandon Ivie Marching Band Activities Chair: Thomas Vieira

Treasurer: Brian Parent String Activities Chair: Ingrid Pylvainen

Secretary: Jeff Muraida Jazz Activities Chair: Vacant

Music Education Rep: Brandon Deike Festival Improvement Rep: Thomas Vieira

Resources/ Links:

https://www.msboa.org/ - MSBOA Site

https://msboamusiced.weebly.com/ - Music Education Resource Site

2023 Winter Meeting Minutes.pdf
Month by Month Mentor checklist.pdf
General Expense Voucher.pdf
Ned Fenlon Award-2014.pdf