
Hello and Welcome,

Over the years I have received lots of feedback from teachers and students that they have found my materials useful. A great deal of care and effort has gone into the creation and curation of these resources. Recently I have found the number of requests for updated resources has increased dramatically and, to be honest, I have not been able to keep up. I have decided to move my resources to a paid platform which can be found here: 

It is my hope that this will afford me the time to continue to build and maintain the content that students and educators have found so useful over the years. In setting the prices for my content I did my best to keep it accessible (each entire course costs roughly the same as one session with a tutor in my city). I am aware that these resources have been used by people around the world, who are in a range of financial situations and I certainly do not want to impede anyone's learning. If the cost of these courses are truly prohibitive for you, contact me here.

Thank you for your support,

Matt Trask