
Welcome to Class 3-206

Mrs. Valente

Important Information

Classes begin at 8:20am

Make sure you are signed into Google with your NYCDOE student.net account

Go to zoom.us and use the code:

825 7360 8479

Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82573608479?pwd=M3J0MUZHZEoyakJtaG1PZnlCZk1wZz09

Passcode: 123456

To begin remote learning, you must sign your child up for our Google Classroom. Go to classroom.google.com.

Click the + on the top right to join a new class.

Mrs. Valente's class code is: glvf4lf

New cluster codes for September 2021

Gym: ygpwleb Science: gmkyf42 Music ypfifxh

ENL: Computer Science nk5cj5t

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