Grade 6 Science

Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about Science Class (but were afraid to ask)

Textbooks:  Please cover and take care of your textbook.  Remember, someone else has to use your book next year...and the year after that...and the year after that... 

Interactive Notebooks:  Your science notebook is a daily journal of what we do in science class.  We will keep important information, vocabulary cards, worksheets and personal reflections in our notebooks.  Want to know more about what an Interactive notebook is?  Check out this link:  Click Here

Tests:  Most people don't like tests.  The truth of the matter is, only people who are unprepared don't like tests!  If you are prepared, you have nothing to worry about. Tests are usually given at the end of each science chapter.  Don't worry--we'll complete a study guide together (and maybe even play a review game) before each one.  Quizzes may be given at any time throughout the chapter.  They may be announced or unannounced...SURPRISE!

 Homework: Honestly, we rarely get homework in science class, but when we do...DO IT! And, even if it's not collected, you can bet your backpack it will be checked to see if you've finished it. At the end of each 9 weeks, you will be given a 20-point homework grade. If you do your homework all the time, you will receive a score of 20/20. Every time you don't have your homework completed, 2 points will be taken from this score. (If you don't do your homework once, you'll lose 2 points. If you don't do your homework twice, you'll lose 4 points, etc.) If you don't remember what your homework is, check the main page. (No excuses! If the dog ate your homework, then bring in the dog! If your mom put your homework through the washer, bring in the faded, fragile remnants. If you forgot it at home, do it again when you get to school. If your baby sister ripped it up, give her a real toy to play with and then tape it up!)

Safety: is always fun until someone loses a set of eyebrows. Seriously, just be careful! We won't be doing any dangerous experiments this year, but we will be doing some exciting experiments that can become a little uncomfortable if you don't follow directions. What that means is, if you're told to wear goggles, wear them until you're allowed to take them off.  If you're handling glass materials, be careful.  If you're asked to not touch something, then HANDS OFF! Never, ever run in a science lab. If you break these rules then, sadly enough, you will be an "observer" of future experiments instead of a "participant."

Extra Credit: So you bombed the last test and you're worried that your A in science class has turned into a B?  Don't worry...there is a way to pull that grade up again. Each marking period you can earn up to 10 points of extra credit. How? By recycling materials.  Check out the main page to see what materials we are collecting for this 9 week marking period.

Remember, extra credit work is voluntary and can be turned in at any time during the marking period.

*What We Will Be Studying This Year

Chapter 1 - Cells, Reproduction and Heredity

Chapter 3 - Plants and Plant Growth

STC Kit - Experiments with Plants

Chapter 4 - Ecosystems

Chapter 5 - Resources in Ecosystems

Chapter 12 - Atoms and Elements

Chapter 13 - Matter and How It Changes

STC Kit - Chemical Tests

Chapter 14 - Energy

STC Kit - Magnets and Motors

Wind Energy

 *Subject to change.

**Study guides for each chapter can be found in Google Classroom.