
St. Pius X is a Blue Ribbon School!!


Google Classroom information: Mrs. Jeanne Falcone

class code tgik375

The classroom news page has the fifth grade supply list for the 2020-2021 school year.

July, 2020

Please stay well and help your parents.

I wish all of you a very happy and healthy summer. Please remember to help your family and ALWAYS tell them where you are going and with whom.

Upcoming tests and projects

Homework - Homework is due the day after it is assigned, unless otherwise directed.

Please check with your child and check with the website or google classroom to verify this. Thank you.

If homework is NOT completed,

your child will make it up at lunch recess the following day.

The Scholastic Book fliers have been distributed. Students can bring orders into school, or you can order online using the code NCWGH. That's our class code. Thank you.

The religion book has resources for

each chapter and a unit review game

for each unit,


Stump the Shepherd can be found at

