Retakes and Correction Policy

As educators, we believe schools can no longer be places where some succeed at learning while others fail. Rather, we want our classrooms to become a place where all students can succeed.  As a result, assessment practices developed to separate the successful from the unsuccessful need to become practices that support the learning for all students.  To facilitate learning for everyone, we have created a quiz and test correction policy.

Quiz and Test Corrections Policy

Quiz corrections are available to any student regardless of their initial score unless the student scores a 100% or above.  

If you would like to improve your quiz or test score, you must follow these steps.

On the correction form for each question, you will need to tell me:

Quiz and Test Retake Policy

As an educator, I believe schools can no longer be places where some succeed at learning while others fail. Rather, I want my classroom to become a place where all students can succeed.  As a result, assessment practices developed to separate the successful from the unsuccessful need to become practices that support the learning for all students.   Below is how I will be implementing the CMS Test Retake policy in my classroom.

If you are unhappy with your score and would like to retake the quiz or test:

If you have questions or are not sure how to complete the corrections, please seek out help.   I am available most days before school, during lunch, and after school.