Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Must Know Vocabulary



equivalent fractions


equivalent ratios

Lesson One: Model Percents

Learning Objective: I can model a percent by using a 100 Flat

"Math Basics: Percents" by GCFLearnFree

Lesson Two: Write Percents as Fractions and Decimals

Learning Objective: I can write percents as both fractions and decimals.

Lesson Three: Write Fractions and Decimals as Percents

Learning Objective: I can convert fractions and decimals to percents

Khan Academy Video h

Mid-Chapter Checkpoint


1. Do GO book pages 199 and 200.

Lesson Four: Percent of a Quantity

Learning Objective: I can find a percent of a given quantity.

"Solving Percentage Problems"

by Smartatmath

Lesson Five: Problem Solving - Percents

Learning Objective: I can use GCF and Distributive Property to solve word problems.

"Finding a Percent of a Number"

by Mathantics

Lesson Six: Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Learning Objective: I can add and subtract multi-digit decimals.

Video -

Finding The Whole When Given the Part and Percentage Video -

"Find the Whole Given the Percent and the Part" by MrCaryMath

Chapter 5 Test

Do PRACTICE book Chapter 5 Extra Practice P105 and P106.