COVID-19 resources

If a student is experiencing a mental health concern, Ms. Barness (K-8 School Counselor) is available during the school day by appointment. Please contact Ms. Barness to schedule an appointment. (507-724-8444 or )

CDC information on Managing Stress and Anxiety with Coronavirus (COVID-19):

Resources to Support Mental Health and Coping with the Coronavirus (COVID-19):

Additional resources:

Resources around the state of Minnesota (list includes free meals, groceries, internet, financial, and enrichment/learning resources.) Click on this Link

Resources in Dakota County (MN) (list includes free meals in Dakota County. Resource is being frequently updated.) Click on this Link

Resources in Minneapolis and St. Paul (MN) (includes a multitude resource lists for food, supplies, childcare, emergency funds, etc. Also has a section where community members can ask for help or offer help.) Click on this Link

Resources in Greater MN (outside of Twin Cities) (resources for towns outside of the Twin Cities. Find resources for food/shelter, legal services, internet access, mental health support, COVID-19 housing/food updates, and health/human services by county) Click on this Link