Mendalien's Inheritance

Mendaliens Webquest

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1. From concept 1 what are the 2 laws that Mendel suggested?

2. Watch the arrival of the Mendaliens and choose the folder labeled orange eyes from the file. What type of cross does this represent?

3. Draw a Punnett square to represent the P generation and predict the F1 generation

4. Which allele is dominant?

5. Draw a Punnett square for the cross of two F1's, predict the phenotype and genotype ratios for the F2

6. What was the outcome of the cross?

7. Now make the cross between the short legged female and the long legged male. What is the outcome?

8. What do you think is the mode of inheritance going on here and why?

9. Now draw the Punnett square to show the outcome of the cross between the female and male of the F1 generation

10. Now cross them, does the prediction match the outcome?=

11. Cross the P generation for eye color and skin color of Mendaliens, which traits are dominant? Explain

12. Use a Punnett square to predict the outcome of the second generation

13.Does your prediction match the outcome?

14. Now mate the two horn Mendalien to the no horn Mendalien, what mode of inheritance did you observe?

15. Draw a Punnett square to predict the outcome of the F2 generation

16. Was your prediction correct?

17. Now mate the Mendalien with vertical eyes and one tooth to the one with round eyes and no teeth, which traits are dominant?

18. Be careful here, the next cross is a testcross. So draw the predicted outcome for this testcross of the F1

19. Did you get the ratios you predicted in the Punnett square above? What do you think is going on here?

20. Read the information in the interpreting the test cross section and watch the animation. What is the only way to get the recombinant forms?

21. Continue through the further analysis section. What is the formula for calculating the percentage of crossing over?

22. From the genetic X Files Problems do #2 & 4