
Talks and Posters

--== 2020 ==--

Invited Talk - Adaptation of radio astronomy infrastructure for the detection and monitoring of space debris in low Earth orbit (google slides)

Invited Talk - MWA Transients team science update (google slides)

--== 2019 ==--

Invited talk - Supercomputers for Data Processing (google slides)

Poster - Refractive Interstellar Scintillation of Extragalactic Radio Sources (google slides)

Workshop - Good coding practice (google slides)

--== 2018 ==--

Talk - Using the MWA as a passive radar to track space debris (google slides)

Talk - A VOEvent based triggering system for the MWA (google slides)

Invited Talk - MWA Transients group update (goolge slides)

  • MWA Project meeting, Najogya, Japan

Invited Talk - ICARAR/CASS radio school, Geraldton

Invited Talks - 4th SKA/MWA Summer School in Shanghai

Poster - Crediting software development: a how to guide (google slides)

Public Talk - All-Sky astrophysics from the Murchison shire (google slides)

Invited Talk - MWA transients science overview (google slides)

  • MWA GeG busy week, Perth, 29 Jan 2018

Talk - Detecting satellites and space debris with the MWA (google slides)

  • Swinburne, 23 Jan 2018

  • Feast of facts, ANU, 24 Jan 2018

  • Sydney University, 25 Jan 2018

--== 2017 ==--

Talk - Near-field Transients: Detecting satellites and space debris with the MWA (google slides)

Talk - New capabilities for the MWA: rapid response triggers (google slides)

Outreach Seminar - All-Sky Astrophysics from the Murchison Shire (google slides)

  • Uluru Astronomer in Residence, Yulara, 12 + 19 Oct 2017

Invited Talk - SC1.3 - Galactic Science with the MWA

Talk - Fireballs and space debris with the MWA (google slides)

Poster - Aegean 2.0, source finding ++ (google slides)

Talk - GLEAM: calibration, images, and catalogues (google slides)

Poster - Detecting Variability with the MWA (google slides)

--== 2016 ==--

Poster - Detecting Variability with the MWA (google slides)

Talk - (scintillation induced) Variability vs galactic latitude from the MWA (google slides)

Invited Talk - Variables and Slow transients with SKA-Low (google slides)

Invited Talk - Lessons learned from the AT20G (google slides)

--== 2015 ==--

Talk - GLEAM science from the first year of observations (.pdf, 4.2Mb)

Talk - Least squares fitting with correlated data (.pptx, 0.3Mb)

Poster - Source finding for the GLEAM survey (.pptx, 2.8Mb)

Talk - Source finding for the GLEAM survey (.pdf , 3.98Mb)

Public Talk - Clouds (The good kind) (.pdf, 6.33Mb)

Invited Talk - The Radio, Γ/X connection in long GRBs (.pptx, 0.5Mb)

--== 2014 ==--

Invited Talk - Aegean and polarisation (.pdf 0.7Mb)

  • EMU/POSSUM/GALFACTS meeting - University of Sydney - Dec 1-5 2014 (remote)

Talk - Background and Noise Estimation (.pdf 2.1Mb)

  • CAASTRO Annual retreat - Twin Waters, Brisbane - Nov 19-21 2014

Invited Talk - How to: Slow Transeints (.pdf 2.2Mb)

  • CAASTRO Annual retreat - Twin Waters, Brisbane - Nov 19-21 2014

Poster - Background and Noise Estimation (.pdf 4.9Mb)

Public Talk - Turbulent Gas within the Milky Way (.pdf 10.2Mb)

Invited Talk - MWA and AST3 Collaboration opportunities (.pdf 8.2Mb)

Presentation - Background and Noise estimation (.pdf 5.8Mb)

  • CIRA journal Club - Curtin University - May 26 2014

Talk - An astronomer's introduction to databases and SQL (.pdf 1.2Mb)

--== 2013 ==--

Talk - Source Finding: problems, progress, and prospects for radio transients surveys (.ppt 1.3Mb)

Presentation - Aegean Updates (.pdf 66Kb)

  • MWA Busy week - Curtin University - Oct 2013

Lecture - Astronomical Source Finding (.pdf 5.0 Mb)

  • Guest Lecture for computational science class - Sydney University - Sep 3 2013

Talk - Two populations of GRB radio afterglows (.pptx 5.5Mb)

Poster - Radio Faint GRB afterglows (.pdf 0.8Mb)

Invited Talk - The VAST survey (.pdf 2.3Mb)

Public Talk - Variables and Transients (.pptx 10Mb)

Talk - Australian Radio Astronomy (.pptx 28Mb)

  • USYD TSP lunchtime talks, Sydney - May 02 2013

Talk - Radio Faint GRB Afterglows (.ppt 6.5Mb)

  • ICRAR colloquium, Perth - Feb 28 2013

--== 2012 ==--

Talk - Radio Faint GRB Afterglows (Prezi 10.7Mb)

Poster - Radio Faint GRB Afterglows (.pdf - 0.8Mb)

Talk - Solar eclipses and hunting for planets (.pptx - 8.2Mb)

Talk - Radio faint GRB afterglows (.pdf - 3.3Mb)

Talk - Supernova and GRBs (.pdf - 11Mb)

  • PHYS1500 Special Lecture - Sep 4, 2012

Talk - Variables and Transients (.pptx - 21Mb with embedded videos)

Talk - Radio dark GRB afterglows (.pdf - 3.6Mb)

Presentation - The Transit of Venus (.pdf - ?Mb)

  • Outreach event for yr7-12 students at Concord High School, Sydney, 6th June 2012

Invited Talk - Commensal Transient Surveys (.pdf - 2.8Mb)

Talk - Stars died so that you could live (.pdf - 8.9Mb)

  • Talented Student Program lunch time seminar series, USYD May 2012

Talk - Compact Continuum Source Finding (.pdf - 2.1Mb)

--== 2011 ==--

Talk - Compact Continuum Source Finding (.pdf - 2.3Mb)

Poster - Visibility Stacking and the quest for Radio Emission from SNIa (.pdf - 7.5Mb)

Talk - Free cupcakes and the implications for radio emission from Ia supernovae (.pdf - 5.1Mb)

Talk - Visibility Stacking and the quest for Radio Emission from SNIa (.pdf - 2.3Mb)

Poster - The AT20G and the search for young radio galaxies (.pdf - 2.1Mb)

Talk - The VAST survey: software pipeline, source finding and transient detection (.pdf 2.2Mb)

--== 2010 ==--

Talk - Continuum/Transient point source source finding (.pdf - 1.3Mb)

Talk - The AT20G and the search for young radio galaxies (.pdf - 10Mb)

  • UC Berkeley Astronomy Colloquium Series, Berkeley, December 2010

  • ATNF colloquium, ATNF, October 2010

  • SIfA seminar, University of Sydney, August 2010

Poster - Recently Restarted Radio Galaxies (.pdf - 500k)

Talk - Restarted Radio Galaxies (.pdf - 1.4Mb)

Talk - The Future of Continuum Source Finding for ASKAP SSPs (.pdf - 2.6Mb)