The Roaring 20's Project

The New Era of the Twenties



    1. Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti

    2. Red Scare

    3. The Great Migration

    4. Marcus Garvey's "back-to-Africa Movement"

    5. Impact of the NAACP

    6. Prohibition (Volstead Act)

    7. Women's Suffrage (19th Amendment)

    8. Presidential impact of Harding, Coolidge and Hoover

    9. US Foreign Policy during the 1920's

    10. Impact of the American Civil Liberties Union--ACLU

    11. A Booming Economy

    12. Impact of the Automobile

    13. Increasing Consumerism

    14. Growth and Effects of Sports and Music

    15. Growth and Effect of Sports and Music

    16. Impact of the Harleem Renaissance

    17. Writer's Attack on Materialism

    18. John Scopes Trial

    19. Failure of Prohibition and Growth of Organizing Crime

    20. Palmer Raids

    21. Impact of the Ku Klux Klan

    22. National Origins Act

    23. Fashion, Fads, and Ideals of Beauty in the 1920's

    24. Growth of the Advertising Industry

    25. Women in the Work Force

    26. Impact of Organized Crime in Society