Virtual Classroom

Picture of Washburn Public School




Computers in the Classroom

Washburn Public School

Washburn, North Dakota


This website is designed to extend the classroom experience and give better access to what it is we do in class. Our site will also help better communicate what takes place in class to students and parents. This site is in no way suppose to replace what the students experience is inside the classroom. This is designed to merely supplement the activities and discussion that takes place in our classroom. Please understand the foundation of the educational experience remains the social interaction between the students and the teacher. Should you need to contact me, the best and most effective way may be through email. This can be done at

I hope you have a great year!

Mr. Keith Jacobson

Research Paper Checklist

1. Order

A. Outline

B. Paper

C. Works Cited Page

D. Stapled

2. Form

A.Times New Roman

B. 12 Point

C. Double Space

D. Page Number

E. MLA Heading

F. 1" Borders


Heading top left margin:

Student's Name

Teacher's Name

Assignment and Grade

Date Assignment is Due

Format for Research Paper, Essay or Report

a) Choose Topic

b) Gather Information- all students are knowledgeable with the electronic library.

c) Set up a a Works Cited Page

d) Use notecards for specific cited information.

e) Write Paper - ORDER BELOW (1)

f) Body should include introductory paragraph with underlined thesis statement, paragraph transitional words, concluding paragraph with restated thesis statement.

Finished Product

a) Outline

b) Body

c) Graphs if used

d) Works cited page

Mr. Jacobson's Classroom Rules

  1. Treat me, as your teacher, with the same respect with which I treat you.

  2. Your actions may not cause a problem for anyone else.

  3. If you cause a problem, you will be asked to solve it.

  4. If you cannot solve the problem or choose not to, I will do something. What I do will depend upon the situation.

  5. If I do something that appears to be unfair, let me know quietly and we will talk about it after class.

Sentence Writing Strategy

1.Start with a capital letter

2.Have and end with punctuation. (. ? !)

3.Have a verb

4.Have a subject

5.Make sense

6.Must be neat.