World History

Welcome to our classroom page for World History!

Click on the unit you want to work on from the list to the left.

Some general links to help you in the course:

Classroom Expectations

Letter to Parents

Notebook Instructions

Review Videos

Below you will find links to some sets of review videos that might be useful to you in this course. Each of the links below is to a playlist. When you click on the link, you can select the topic you want from the list.

Two ways to use these videos:

  1. Preview - Find the topic you are about to study, and watch the video before you start. Don't worry if you don't pick up everything in the video, it's just to get your brain warmed up!

  2. Review - Watch the video after you study a topic. It will help you cement the information in your mind, and you are likely to pick up a few new facts, as well!

Crash Course World History I

This playlist covers most of our topics in this course (plus a few extra things)!

Crash Course World History II

This is a more thematic approach to World History, plus a few things that didn't get covered in the playlist above. It is well worth your time to look through all the different topics.

Mr. Bett's Global History

Some of this is deeply silly, but there are also a number of videos that are directly relevant to what we are studying.

Hip Hughes History

Great Stuff on world religions, and assorted other topics - including some writing techniques that just might be useful to you in this class (hint, hint)!

Historyteachers' Music Videos

If you learn things from song lyrics, this is a great set of parody videos. Some serious earworms in here!


These are serious lectures on a variety of topics. They are mostly from college professors, and tend to run about an hour long each. Heavy stuff! If you are really interested in a topic, though, this will give you some in-depth knowledge.