Advice for New AP Psych Students from Former Students

Students who anticipated getting an "A" for the year said...

· Complete reading guides, do vocabulary cards preferably on the days they are assigned so you complete them on time, use online practice quizzes for the tests, take notes in class or at least pay attention.

· For those new students who want to have success in this course I recommend doing all your work prior to the last possible day it's due and then reviewing it until it's due because the spacing effect says that you're more likely to remember information if you span it out over a time period.

· "Do all of your notecards for your own sake, not just to get the grade.

· Develop a note taking system that works best for you

· Actively listen to Mr. Ayers in class"

· I would tell new students that the best way to succeed in Mr. Ayer's class is to listen to his lectures and be sure to read the book and study on your own. Mr. Ayers is extremely knowledgeable and if you become interested in something and want to explore that topic further, he would be happy to help guide you.

· Mr. Ayers is the best teacher I have ever had. He is organized and you will never have any questions about when an assignment is due. The unit guide lists all assignments for the unit and when they are due so highlight and make sure you read the whole thing when you first receive it to ensure you are aware of what needs to be done that unit. You can finish all of your work in one weekend if you like and not have to worry about getting it finished later. It is helpful to pay attention in class because the material relates to real life and if you listen when Mr. Ayers explains everything it will help you remember it better for a longer period of time. Study your note cards. You will have a ginormous stack at the end of the year so use them to study and prepare for tests and the AP exam. Psychology is extremely interesting so pay attention and enjoy your time in the class.

· Don't procrastinate on your work. The material is actually interesting so doing the work it isn't terrible. Try to connect everything you learn to yourself or the real word to help you remember it. Always ask any questions you have, and use the available resources for studying. The class isn't difficult to pass if you pay attention while taking notes and do the work assigned. Always check your unit guide and don't forget to do the people note cards!! Don't try and cheat your way through the class either; in the end you'll appreciate everything you learned in the course.


· "Read the textbook. If you don't have time, at least skim it to see the concepts you should know. Then later try and understand the concepts and relate it to in-class lecture notes

· Do the vocab cards. Do not half-ass these cards. They are important and will inscribe the important content in your brain. The AP Exam is mostly vocab anyway.

· Pay attention in class. I can not stress how important this is. If you do not pay attention, you will fail. You won't understand the concepts. Mr. Ayers does a phenomenal job at teaching and if you don't understand something just ask. Don't be afraid to raise your hand in class either."

· ALWAYS STUDY FLASH CARDS. And put effort into completing the reading guides.

· For advice for new students I would say that doing the Flashcards can really help (or hurt) their grade, but they also help understand the vocab, even if you don't review them, writing them helps a little

· I would advice students to look over all note cards and pay attention during lectures, especially to demonstrations.

· A piece of advice I would give to new students is to actually do the reading guides. The reading guides really help students be on track and help them gain a clear outline of the important things in the chapter. They are also assignment grades so they are very beneficial in two very important ways.

· if i had to give advice to incoming students it would be to study. Don't go home and waste your time not studying. it will help you in the long run if you study.

· Read the book and really work hard on the assignments. If you simply take notes and do the assignments you should have no trouble with the content and do very well on tests. Mr. Ayers has designed the class extremely well and listen to him and you will be prepared for the AP test.

· Mimi would advise the new rugrats to read the textbook and not to procrastinate on note cards and assignments. Some nights the work is like more than 1 short assignment, and no one wants to just spend a whole night doing that psych work.

· The reading guides may seem like a lot of work but they will significantly help your knowledge of the material in preparation for the tests.

    • Do your notecards.

    • always pay attention in class and read the chapters so the powerpoints will be review

    • Do the reading guides and pay attention in class.

    • Some advice that i would give to new students is to make sure you do all the reading guides and do the flashcards through out the unit and not the day before they are do. Also take time to do practice tests because they will help you on the test..

    • you need to make sure you focus and keep up with the work so you do not fall behind

    • Always stay on top of your work. The class moves really fast, so if you miss one day worth of work you may risk falling behind and becoming really overwhelmed by all of the work. Also, always do your flashcards because even if you think they won't be helpful in the long run, they're really great study tools for unit tests.

    • Put the time in necessary each day and pay attention in class to do everything you can to remember the information. Be involved and read the book.

    • If you do all of the assignments and pay attention in class, you will have to do very little review for the A.P. test. I took many practice tests even before reviewing and got 5's on tem.

    • Don't be afraid to ask questions and get involved. Also even though there is a lot of vocabulary you should do it because it's easy points.

    • I would advise new students to complete the unit guides with enough detail that can supplement them with as much information as possible for the AP exam. The reason behind this advice is that I find many students complaining about these unit guides but it is because of these that I was able to be successful in terms of being able to enjoy the subject content.

    • I would advise new students to do their work in advance so that they have more time to study when the test comes around. Be sure to practice the spacing/context effects because they honestly do help.

    • AP Psychology is one of the best courses I have ever taken, but you absolutely get out what you put in. If you spend a lot of time completing the assignments thoroughly and with undivided attention, you will get a lot more from the course and also have to spend less time studying for the AP Exam later in the year because the information is adequately stored in your Long Term Memory. Keep up with the unit guide, it is there to help you!

    • Read the book before lectures, don't take any shortcuts

    • Study. Do all the assignments because even if you get a low score on one of the tests, the weight of the classwork and homework helps you.

Students who anticipated getting a "B" for the year said...

· completing your assignments is worth the time and effort because they're designed to really helps you prepare for the tests. Ask questions whenever you have them, Mr.Ayers is always willing to answer them to help you understand fully

· I would tell new students to pay attention and take good notes, also not to procrastinate, especially on notecards, unless you function well with little sleep.

· Spend time doing the unit guides. If you do them thoroughly the first time you probably will learn it well enough to understand and participate in class discussions.

· do the people for the notecards cause i was always like "oh he wont pick one of the people", but he always did

· To be successful in this course you most put forth the effort. It is an AP course, so just sliding by will not help. Participate in class a lot, because even if you don't do great on the tests, your participation grade can really help your overall grade. Always take notes, Mr. Ayers never gives notes on his power points that you will not need or use on the test, or AP exam. Always do your homework and outside of school assignments. Mr. Ayers doesn't assign much homework, so make sure you do things like the note-cards, and vocabulary because it is very helpful for the test. Lastly keep an open mind about the subject. There are some things that may be confusing or odd at first, but in time they become to make more sense.

· "Complete all assignment

· Take good notes

· Listen everyday

· Do not play on your phone and cancel out all distractions

· Take time to study outside of class on your own

· If there are snow days, take those days to study on your own to make sure you do not fall behind and then being well prepared for the AP Exam!"

· i would say to actually study and do not try to just get by in the class, also take good notes! its very interesting and useful if you pay attention in class and study your notes and note cards.

· Always be inquisitive and ask questions. Don't stop until all of your questions have been answered.

· Do all your work! Every point counts so don't slack off on note cards, study guide questions, or anything that could potentially improve your grade.

· DO THE FLASH CARDS. do something to wake yourself up because at times it can be hard to stay awake.

· This is an AP class. Like any other college course, it's going to be a challenge. Take the time to actually work on the reading guides and notecards. It might seem hella annoying when you're in the process of writing them, but they will save your life. If you have questions, ASK. Mike is always ready to help.

· to definitely do all of the homework that was assigned especially key terms. Even if a student fails every test, by doing all of your homework can bring your grade up to a B. learn how to write the FRQs well, and of course study for the unit tests.

· If I could give advice to new students coming in it would be not to procrastinate. Mr. Ayers gives you a ton of time to do all of your work and if you wait till the last minute then you will not be able to fully understand the material. Also, make sure that you actually read the sections and study for your tests! Another important thing is to keep all of your note cards organized by chapter and unit. If you do this and keep them organized then you can use them to study for the AP test.

· Make sure that you study for your test NOT THE NIGHT BEFORE BUT for at least a week prior to your upcoming test! Make sure you do all of your homework assignments and flashcards because those are easy grades! Pay attention and right notes!

· Definitely, DO NOT fall asleep. You will miss information, which won't help for tests but also the information is really cool. I bet I missed some sweet topics because I was sleeping.

· To be able to manage your time very well, and keep up on dead lines.

· Pay attention and always do your notes, if your always on your phone you will miss something so little and on the test you would have needed to know the information for a couple questions.

· DO all the work.

· The most important thing you can do in AP Psychology is always review the content you learned that day every night. Review the notes you took in class that day and do the readings that are due tomorrow. Also while you are doing the readings, do the note cards that correspond to that small section. Doing little by little really seemed to go a long way.

· Students who want to succeed in the course should just study before tests and make sure to turn in all assignments and they'll receive good grades.

· Flash cards are huge! Do all the flash cards even the people!

· Study and do all of the homework

· Do all your work, even if you're a bad test taker, if you do all your assignments you can still afford at least a B

    • Do your notecards and all the unit guides. look over them everyday!!

    • Do all of the note cards no matter how tiring it is. Stay on top of things,if you not sure it is crucial to ask.

    • do your work and study almost every night. the course is really interesting but you need to work hard to do well.

    • advice I would give new students is to make sure you have the dedication and time through this course because the work is somewhat overwhelming. have interest in the course because it will make classes more intriguing.

    • "if you want to be successful in this course then you need to use your time wisely and when the AP test is coming and you are planning on taking it start studying ahead use the spacing effect. "

    • I would tell them to always do the reading guides and don't procrastinate on the flash cards. It is not fun when you have 60+ cards to do in one night. Make good connections, they are useful.

    • Do all of the flashcards and reading guides, and study frequently for the tests.

    • Spend time simplifying flashcards and don't just copy the definitions from the textbook unless you understood it. Jot down extra info. onto your flashcards or tweak them during lectures if you feel the need to. Make sure you make a legit connection and it will help you study. Study the flashcards 5-10 minutes on spare time but never for hours before the day of the test.

    • Don't procrastinate on note cards

    • Be careful what kind of decisions you will make in this course when you are tired. If at all possible, try to get as much sleep as you can and try to get some assignments done early just in case something else that you need to work on comes up.

    • do all the flash cards and reading guides and pay attention when we do notes and study outside of class and actually read the book and ask about what you didn't understand from the book.

Students who anticipated getting a "C" for the year said...


· dont procrastinate, pay attention, do your work as soon as you can and get it out of the way because it takes longer than you think.


· Do not procrastinate on assignments. And make sure that you have flashcards and unit guides done because they are easy points you cant afford to miss out on

· I would say make sure to study each night, DO THE NOTE CARDS, do the reading guide accurately not just doing it for the credit, and read the text book daily.

· I would advise future students to actually do their flashcards and study guides so they can do very well on the test.

· STUDY! study all week, don't come in this class thinking its an easy A because its not. do your flash cards and be ready to take lots and lots and lots of notes. make sure you are in class as much as you can be because missing one day could screw you up. and have fun and learn a lot, some of the things will be boring but some of them are very interesting.

    • study hard and don't miss any classes because you will fall behind quick.

    • Do ALL flashcards, you don't want to take the chance of him picking the cards you didn't do.

    • To make sure they pay attention and keep up with their work because those are extremely important grades.

    • don't expect the teacher to want you to do good in the class, this class is hard than a half year class at college.

    • You need to be prepared to try and to put effort into the class, these aren't things that will come easy to you. I recommend finding a good study habit and put time away just for this class. I also recommend not taking this class unless you have a study hall or time after school, it would've made things easier to have more time to focus on this class itself.

    • Do all of your study guides and make sure you don't take too much time to study that you stress and end up mashing things together and confusing everything.

    • KEEP UP WITH NOTECARDS. actually answer the reading guides because they are a great study tool.

  • If you want to be successful, you need to committed to this. You can't just do everything in one day because you won't learn a whole lot form doing that. It needs to be digested overtime and you will have to sacrifice time for that

Students who anticipated getting a "D" for the year said...

· Make sure this is the level you truly want or you will not come out on top like you want. You have to want to study and work your butt off.

· do the homework and study for the tests, take clean notes and be very organized. if you do not keep a neat notebook it will be consequential to your grade.