Our team

Astra Inc. consists of 5 members.

Avery Rose "Buzz" Miller: Buzz has been interested in science and engineering since she can remember. She is a NASA fanatic and hopes to be an Astronaut when she is older. She is going into the 9th grade at Milton Academy, and is 14 years old. She loves competitive robotics, and hopes to go to MIT for AeroAstro Engineering, and one day (she hopes) that you will see her on Mars! Ad astra per aspera! (through hard work to the stars) #marsorbust2020

Samantha Simpson: This is Samantha's second STEM program at Northeastern University, as she did NUSSP in 2013. Samantha is going into 10th grade at Boston Latin School and is 15 years old. Her hobbies include singing in chorus, acting, and watching movies (and no, she does not have a favorite, don't ask.). She hopes to move to London when she's older, maybe for college.

Margaret "Maggie" Tseng: This is also Maggie's second STEM program at Northeastern. She did NUSSP the summer before 6th grade and enjoyed it. She is currently going into 9th grade at Medford High School. She hopes to be a quantum physicist when she grows up.

Alexander "Alex" Chen: Alex is from Excel Academy and this is his first year at a STEM program. He enjoys watching anime and is an avid gamer, going to a few tourneys around the Massachusetts area.

George Ogenah: George is going into 9th grade at St. George's School. When he was in 6th grade he was in NUSSP. His favorite animal is the Megalodon. He is 6 feet tall and towers over everyone else in the group. He likes math and marine biology. He wants to go to college at Duke for Mechanical Engineering.

(from left to right) Avery Rose "Buzz" Miller, Samantha Simpson, Margaret "Maggie" Tseng, Alexander "Alex" Chen, and George Ogenah.