Dear Parasitology Friends,

We are happy for the vaccination campaign that is beating back the pandemic, but as you all know progress to that goal is highly uneven. This has thus been another difficult year to plan MPM as we encountered a constantly changing environment of pandemic related challenges and restrictions. We polled you earlier (~500 respondents), and there was huge enthusiasm for an in-person conference, and at the same time you wanted to maintain the gains on international inclusion we made through the experience of virtual MPM 2020.

In response, MPM 2021 will be the first hybrid Molecular Parasitology Meeting. We will meet at the MBL in Woods Hole AND online via Zoom and Remo. Speakers and poster presenters will therefore both be in the lecture halls at MBL, as well as joining via the internet – so will the audience. Presentations as always, will be chosen from abstracts submitted by junior scientists (based on their merit and regardless of where the presenter will physically be).

To accommodate distancing requirements the meeting had to be pushed back a little and MPM now will be held October 05-09, 2021. There will be minor changes to the usual program to accommodate time zone differences. Like every new experiment worth doing there are some risks here – but we know that with your help we will make this a big success and an important step into our joint global future. Start working on your abstract, the abstract submission deadline is August 8. Stay tuned for a registration link.

Note that there may be restrictions on the numbers of in-person attendees depending on MBL, state and federal guidelines. This will not impact your presentation and you will be automatically admitted to the online meeting. Should COVID-19-related developments make an in-person meeting inadvisable, we will have an all-online meeting (MBL will fully reimburse registration fees related to housing & food in that case).

Nina, Manoj, Boris and Omar

Further information at:

Welcome to the Molecular Parasitology Meeting satellite website! The goal of this site is to provide you with additional useful information about MPM and to provide a venue for online posting of career opportunities.

Download the MPM 2019 abstract book

MPM 2019 abstract erratum

Looking for abstract books from previous years? Check out the growing archive.

Here is a link to the official MPM website.