
Introduction by Sylvia Keiler Woodworth

Several years after Camp Moy·mo-da-yo closed, I went to the camp site on

Lake Pequawket. I had known the buildings would no longer be there, but I

felt sad and leaned on my husband's shoulder. Being a "camp person"

himself, he understood. Then it struck me. The camp may be closed, the

buildings are gone, but the "soul" of the camp lives on in the character,

personalities, and memories of each of us who ever had the privilege of

spending summers there, whether as campers or staff. This collection is

intended to be an effort to capture the soul of Moy-mo-da-yo. Thank you to

everyone who has shared the gift of memory with all of us.

  1. Here you will find the wonderful written memories of several campers and staff in Capturing the Soul of Moy-Mo-Da-Yo.

  2. The sheet music to the beautiful camp standard, "Daughters of Moy Mo" written by a Maine poet.

  3. A collection of camp songs captured for the wonderful 2007 100 year reunion is found in the Moy-Mo Songbook.

  4. Sing along with the girls attending the 2012 reunion in this sound clip!

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