COST MOVE Workshop on Moving Objects at Sea
The maritime environment has a huge impact on the World economy and our everyday lives. It is a domain where a lot of important human activities take place such as transportation, fishing, tourism, sailing etc. The past few years have seen a rapid increase in research oriented to the development of information-oriented infrastructures and systems addressing many aspects of data integration, analysis, visualisation and diffusion of data related to movement at sea at large (e. g., maritime navigation, marine life).
The objective of this workshop is to bring together academics and practitioners that have developed and demonstrated advances in the development of methods, operational frameworks and systems oriented at large towards moving objects at sea. Proposals in the following themes are of interest but not limited to:
- Integration of heterogeneous maritime databases: sensors, spatio-temporal databases, pre-processing that include errors, query language, filtering and reconstruction algorithms, big data, SOLAP.
- Patterns discovery and analysis of moving objects at sea: modelling approaches, trajectory querying and simplification, automatic annotation and semantic issues, similarity functions, classification and clustering algorithms, knowledge discovery (trends, unusual behaviours, and event detection).
- Physical-based analysis : correlation between environmental data (currents, tides, winds) and moving objects at sea
- Simulation and decision-aid system: interpolation and extrapolation of maritime data for simulation and analysis, 2D and 3D geo-visualisation, tracking and context-aware monitoring systems.