Motor Learning and Rehabilitation Engineering Lab

Mission Statement

The focus of research in the Motor Learning and Rehabilitation Engineering Lab is to understand the process of motor learning, and how it can be applied to accelerate skill acquisition and for the rehabilitation of movement disorders. We use a combination of behavioral and computational techniques to gain insight into (i) how the motor system coordinates movement, (ii) how this coordination is disrupted, and (iii) how to develop novel and effective approaches and technologies for re-learning and rehabilitation

Recent News

Oct 2023: Dr. Ranganathan was part of the team that was awarded a NSF Future of Work grant titled "Improving Disability Inclusion in the Workforce Through Assessment and Augmentation of Individual Abilities and Workflow Redesign in Real-World Contexts"

Aug 2022: Our mini review paper "Predicting individual differences in motor learning: a critical review" is out in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral reviews! (with graduate students Simon Cone and Brian Fox)

Jul 2022: Our tutorial paper "Ten guidelines for designing motor learning studies" is out in the Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior!

Jul 2022: Dr. Ranganathan was part of the team that was awarded a Strategic Partnership Grant from Michigan State University for their proposal "Empowering Individuals with Disability in Employment Settings: An Ability-First Human-Centric Approach"